Some Conversations During My Day

“Excuse me, ma’am,” I said to the, literally, little old lady standing in front of the hard rolls I want, “May I just grab those?”

“They put too many in the package,” She noted.

“I freeze them then heat them in the oven for 15 minutes. They come out hot and delicious and fresh tasting!!” I explained.

“Young lady, at nearly 90 that is much too much work!”

“Fair enough!”

Text messages between my husband and myself:

Me: talking to my dad on Skype at 4.

Simon: Say io for me. (DYAC!)

Me: what if I want to say Callisto?

Simon: You can’t. You just can’t.

Me: What will happen?

Simon: The end of the world.

Me: Could be interesting.

Just A Quick What The Heck Is Going On Update

Adam ill again.

Me swamped with work.

Simon swamped with work.

Looking for a place to live.

Trying to keep up with household and business accounts.

Couple of evening video gigs.

Simon’s parents down this past weekend.

Adam adding words daily including ‘Oh Dear’ from his grandad this weekend! This culminated in him deliberately dropping food off his highchair yesterday saying ‘Oops. Oh Dear.’

So life is good. If a bit frantic!!!

The Case of The Missing Earrings

You may have seen my Tweet a few weeks ago about some jewellery that I found on the floor in front of my bureau. There is a bit more to the story than I could share in 140 characters.

Before Christmas I was getting ready to go out with some friends for some dinner and drinks. I was looking through my jewellery box for my emerald cut diamond earrings that my mom gave me years ago. They were made out of a ring she had (the one my dad gave her, maybe? I know that diamond is coming to me some day, can’t remember if these diamonds came out of the same ring.) and are not the same size but looked very cool next to each other in one ear.

In any case, I could not find them. I looked. Simon looked. I looked again. Not there. I swore I’d go through my entire jewellery box as soon as and find them.

As is the way of the world, I never got a chance to do that. I have a small son and a company to run and looking for the earrings fell through the cracks. I remember about them just before my mom came to visit and hoped she wouldn’t ask after them!

So then one day, a month or so ago, I was sitting on the side of my bed putting my trainers on. There was a t-shirt lying on the floor in front of the bureau and as I leaned over to pick it up, it sparkled.

Lying in the t-shirt were the emerald cut diamond earrings, my gold and sapphire earrings and another pair I can’t recall at the moment.

I have no idea how any of them got there. The box is kept latched and there is no way Adam could haven’t gotten into it, even if he could reach it.

One of lives great mysteries. But at least I found my diamonds!!

I Usually Just Ignore SPAM To This Site

Askimet catches it, I give it a glance on the off chance something that isn’t SPAM is caught in the filter, delete and move on.

But this one? Made me laugh out loud:

“I do think this is a most incredible website for proclaiming great wonders of Our God!”

It was  a comment to one of my newsletters to Adam.

Does that make Adam their God?

He Did It!!!

Today at 8 months and 2 days Adam rolled from his back to his front!

The first time he did it, Simon and I both missed it! I was in the other room and Simon was playing with him on the floor, only Simon got distracted by someone lowering sheet or blanket from the balcony above, looked down, and Adam was on his tummy!

He’s now done it several times.

Next up: crawling!