
Words BSR Software in metallic blue with a beanie with a helicopter on top!

BSR Software was DTAT’s first client. Who is also my brother! He also doesn’t use the logo any more.  But I still really like it!

Orange Grey and Blue with the words School Gate Style

School Gate Style is a style blogger who I worked with for several years. Her website has since been rebranded.

Soul Sisters was a holistic healing company. They have since gone out of business.

White text on purple background that says Soul Sisters
The words Twenty 4 with a flower as the O in twenty and the 4 hanging off the stem of the flower.

Twenty Four was going to be a new fashion store but unfortunately it never got off the ground. Wasn’t because of the logo, though. I hope…

The Logo for PK Vapes

This is PK Vapes’ Logo.

And here is DTAT’s new logo. It is deliberately designed to be recreated in tapestry. The finished tapestry will be up someday!!