Apparently I Am Suppose To Write About The Olympics

The Opening Ceremonies were fun.

I wish the Queen had really jumped out of a helicopter.

I think the amount of money spent is obscene. Especially in the current economic climate.

Other than that, I have nothing to say. I have never enjoyed watching sports.

So I am not really paying attention, except what comes across BBC’s Twitter feed.

I Really Have Nothing To Say…

But feel like I should post something.

Adam is potty training.

I’m not sleeping well.

It’s rained every day, sometimes all day, for the past 3 weeks.

It’s only 19.5 C degrees in here. In June. My feet are cold.

I’m back on an eating plan as I’ve gained nearly a stone since moving into the house.

I’m using My Fitness Pal, usual user name of Tee2072, if anyone wants to friend me. I am finding the people who post on their boards stupid. But I think the other social aspects of it are decent.

Facebook thinks I need yet another email address. They are sadly mistaken. I already have 4.

I need to learn how to make forms in Acrobat. Because Word 2007 is crap at it.

That’s about it, really.


And So Grandma and Pops’ Visit Ends

They left last night to go to a hotel as their flight was very early in the morning and they wanted to be closer to the airport.

A small boy cried hysterically after he waved them off in their taxi.

It was a good visit but it really wore me down. I spent this morning in bed and may go back there in a bit.

More detailed update when I have fully recovered.

Fraser’s House of Plague and Injury, how may I direct your call?

So, as I said, it’s been A good week except for health.

Adam started with a fever on Sunday. Switched to cough and cold by Wednesday. Got antibiotics on Friday.

Simon threw up this morning and now has a fever of 100.9F.

I’ve been flaring all over the place, aphasia (or as Simon and I are now calling it ‘can’t remember the effing word’ as Simon thinks aphasia sounds like a flower) very bad, pin point pain, exhausted muscles.

And this afternoon Adam was playing in the front room, rolling on his tummy on our round step stool placed on its side. He was doing it this morning as well and I told him to stop as he’d break his head. So what happened? He fell forward and hit his eye on the coffee table. A very nice shiner is developing and Mummy is trying very hard to not say “I told you so!”

And of course this fever thing is spreading around the family. By my calculations I should get it around Wednesday.

And Friday? I’m babysitting Simon’s sister’s two children for the day.


It’s Been A Very Good Week

with Simon on holiday and Adam off nursery for a few days. Lots of playing and walks and painting pictures and doing puzzles and watching of DVDs from my childhood.

Today I am off to do some shopping while Simon and Adam head out to do whatever boys do when Mummy isn’t looking. I imagine there will be chocolate and crisps involved, but I could be wrong.

I’ll be back with something more profound soon.
