One Thing I Really Like About Our House

is the fact that no one else’s window looks directly into any of ours.

On one side, the house next door is slightly angled so even though our kitchen windows are across from each other, you can’t really see in. They also have that wavy privacy glass, but even if they didn’t you would be able to see much.

On the other side, we have no windows!

In the back, the houses are too far back and also the street behind is slightly angled from ours.

And in the front, there’s the street!

It also means you can’t see into our garden. We aren’t ‘overlooked’ from anyone. There is fencing and wide gardens. Not sure I’d nude sunbathe, but at least no one is staring at Adam and I romping!

I also really like all the flowers that are currently blooming.

Maybe I’ll post some pictures of them soon!

A Few Updates: –

Tesco answered my email with a fairly nice apology and a code for £6 off my next order, which is their highest shipping charge. I am currently sitting waiting for this week’s order which isn’t late. Yet.

I hit the wall Thursday night and, as predicted, dropped Adam off at nursery Friday morning, came home and slept all day. Simon was home as well as he has a chest infection!

And a rant: –

If we need Daylight Savings Time, which I don’t think we do, could we at least pick a day, internationally, to change the clocks. This year the US changes tomorrow, 11th March. The UK? 25th. So that’s 2 weeks when my family and I have to keep the new timezone differences in mind.

It’s not difficult. It is a pain in the ass.

All I Want To Say About International Women’s Day Is

America needs to get on board because it seems none of my American friends have heard of it. Although I know I did when I lived in San Francisco Bay Area.

Which probably says something about the San Francisco Bay Area.

Oh and also, to reiterate my Facebook status: Thanks to my Mom, who taught me that feminism means respecting all women’s beliefs and choices. That feminism doesn’t mean not being girly.  Or hating men. That what she and so many others started fighting for is the ability to do what we want  when we want to do it.

Just like men.

My Knee Still Hurts, My Nose Is Still Stuffed Up

but we had a great day finally having my birthday lunch and doing some shopping.

Adam was an exemplary boy all day. Well, most of the day. He was given some new colouring items (it’s a set with paints and markers and crayons) today that he picked out and managed to colour my shirt and Simon’s jeans. Bye bye new colouring items for now.

Another busy week coming up.

Keeps me out of trouble.

Who The Hell Are You People?!? (And Welcome!)

The last three days I have gotten nearly 60 hits a day. I average 20.

So who are you people? My analytics show no one referral or search term. You’re hitting my front page so it’s not something specific I said.

So tell me who you are, where you came from. Are you going to stay?

And do, please, leave a comment. I’d love to know what you think!