It’s Been A Fab Christmas Holiday

Simon’s sister and her family are here. It’s amazing how two 2 year olds can seems like 9 or 10 of them!

The boys are more or less sharing. My niece (6 months) is adorable. Way too much food was eaten and too much wine drunk last night.

We are hoping to take some small people to the park but the weather is horrid. So backyard it might be with a few balls so we can dash inside if it rains.

I hope everyone is having a nice holiday period!


Got off bus, with Adam.

Took a step along the pavement.

SLIDE! Goes my left foot.

CRASH! Goes Robyn onto her left leg. The bad leg. Right onto my hip.

Adam! Don’t move! I say as I crawl to a non-slippery bit and haul myself up.

Carefully we walk up the pavement to nursery.

SLIDE! Goes Adam’s foot. CATCH goes Mummy’s hand in his.

Even more carefully we continue to walk.

Whew. Made it. No great damage done.

Until tomorrow when I won’t be able to walk.


What a Christmas We Are Going To Have!

So it has been confirmed that my adult niece, age 21, who is currently studying in Germany, will be coming to stay with us over Christmas. She is bringing 2 friends! I get to cook for people!

The, on the 28th, Simon’s sister and her family are coming to visit, after spending Christmas itself with Simon’s parents. Not enough room in any house for all of us, hence the split celebration. More people to cook for!

Now I just need to sort a tree, some more decorations, food, booze…presents! 🙂

I am very excited.

The Catch Up Post

I realized there have been posts that I’ve not followed up on that people might be wondering about, so here it is, a catch up post.

The silver pot: never completely unburnt. I did everything everyone recommended and couldn’t get it clean. So I’ve gotten rid of it as part of the great moving clear out of 2011.

Adam’s ENT appointment: total disaster. Was told that there was nothing they could do as his hearing and speech were fine. So I went back to my GP and said ‘Fine. Then can we try allergy medicine?’ She said yes and he now takes Neo-Claritin 2 times a day. He’s had one fever and one cold since he’s been on it and neither one has gone any further. He really is a small version of his daddy, as Simon gets horrible hay fever and always has.

To everyone suggesting we put a dishwasher in the house: I’d love to, but we’re renting. I’m going to get us settled and then discuss the possibility with the landlord. We’d have to pay for it, I’m sure but I can’t just willy nilly add plumbing to the place!

I think that’s everything that was ‘outstanding’. Do let me know in the comments if there’s anything else you’ve been wondering about!

RIP Steve Jobs

Whether you love Apple or loathe it, you can’t deny this man and his company changed the world.

RIP Steve. Enjoy your iCloud. 🙂

Note: The above image was not created by me. It is all over Facebook and I 100% admit I stole it. So if it’s yours, please let me know and I will gladly give you full credit!

Update: just noticed it says it’s by Dillon Rhodes. Thanks Dillon. Great image.

Why I Like Not Having a Car

As I was walking home from taking Adam to nursery this morning it occurred to me how much I like not having a car. How much I would miss if I was zipping down the road instead of walking.

For example, if I had been driving, I wouldn’t have been able to spend a part of walk watching, fascinated, as a pair of men changed the billboard on the corner near my house. It’s one of those billboards that flips between adverts and I watched as they worked from opposite ends, obviously from numbered strips, inserting the boards in. They weren’t going in order so I have no idea what the advert was, but it was very cool to watch them work.

Also, if I had been driving, I would never have noticed that they were painting the fence around the Ormeau Bath Gallery. It’s a nice fence, with gold finials. Now the rails are red, instead of black. I would bet not one of the people in the cars going by noticed that they were changing the colour of the fence.

If I were a driver I never would have noticed that the Worst Burger King in the World (TM) was becoming some other restaurant. Finally. It’s been closed for around 4 years. But now there are workmen going in and out and something is happening. There was a sign saying what it was but it’s gone now. Probably lost their funding like so many others these days.

So I like not having a car. As I can see what’s going on in my neighbourhood. Soon to not be my neighbourhood!

M-Day minus 9…


Insert Witty and/or Profound Title Here

Not sure what to write about today. Hence the title.

There are some things I’d like to write about, but they are controversial and will get me in trouble, and I’m not in the mood. Maybe tomorrow.

I will present one question, however, stemming from a thread on MN about allergies. I understand trying like hell to protect your child. I do. I have a child I protect. So I understand banning peanuts or other allergens from school lunches if a child in the school is severely allergic.

What I don’t understand is how that child lives in the world. In the world peanuts are not banned. Or anything other food. So if a person is so allergic that a speck of peanut dust is going to kill them, how do they even walk down the street? Take a bus? The train? I really would like to know, if any of my readers has such a child or is severely allergic to something themselves.

In a related note, if a teacher, once Adam is at school, takes away his treat from his packed lunch while his classmate is eating school dinner provided cake and custard, I will be storming the place. I can’t believe how many parents don’t want to be ‘that’ parent. What parent? The parent who stands up and says ‘This is really stupid. And I’m going to say so!’?

But I am also the person who can’t stand stupidity. And that, my friends, is stupid!

Hey, look…I had something to say after all…and they may get me into trouble……..