Another Busy Day

Today’s Schedule: –

0809 Chugging coffee before Simon leaves for the day

0930ish Off to the shops. Adam needs his feet measured for new shoes, we’re out of milk again and I could use a glass of wine tonight. You’ll see why in a minute.

1100ish Back home. Hopefully Adam is asleep in his pram and will continue to be so until about 1300ish.

1200ish Lunch for Mummy

1230ish Laundry folding begins

1300ish Adam up from his nap and has some lunch, milk and a cuddle.

1400 – 1600 At some point in those two hours a removal company is coming to poke around and give me a quote for our move. This will be our third quote and then I’ll make a decision and book movers.

1500 Estate Agent to show up with people to view flat. I will also, at this point, have laundry half folded and be in the middle of putting together a Sheppard’s Pie for dinner.

1600 Still folding laundry. Sheppard’s Pie slow cooking in the oven.

1700 Simon home from work. Put away laundry and cook the rest of dinner.

1800 Eat

1830 Start getting a small boy ready for bed

1930ish Adam asleep.

1935 Wine. And chocolate.

Haven’t Had Much Time To Write

as my afternoons on Adam’s nursery days are now taken up with the Clear Out of 2011. Even though the new house has a ton of storage space, I am doing my best to not move a lot of junk from one place to the other!

I’m also totally organizing the move for us, contacting removal companies, making lists of utility companies and others to notify of the change of address, along with, of course, the graphic work my clients are expecting me to do and pay me for!

So busy is a good way to describe life right now and, as usual, this blog is the last thing on the list.

But I am Tweeting regularly, so feel free to follow that (@tee2072) and I’m on MN, so look for me there!

I’ll try to keep y’all up to date with move info, but it may have to wait until after the move!

Thanks to Everyone with Advice About The Burnt Pot

but it’s still burnt. And I’ve done everything everyone has said, some of the twice.

So today I went pot shopping.

And found a 4 qt non-stick at TK Maxx for £19.99.

I am still working on The Burnt Pot, but I really can’t live without a good size sauce pan any longer. So I may wind up with two.

Or I may chuck The Burnt Pot in the bin.

It could go either way.

No Spoilers, Sweetie

but I just tripped over a paradox.

Of course, with Dr River Song around, the show has a pair of docs.

And, if Rory was a doctor, rather than a nurse, and Amy wore a doctor costume for her singing telegram gig, we’d have a double pair of docs.

Thoughts like these are why I rarely sleep well.


With thanks, and apologies, to Robert A Heinlein and The Number of the Beast

Okay, Everyone Relax. Crises Over.

We have a computer for the family again. It was touch and go for awhile, but it’s okay. And being upgraded to Win 7.

On top of that the laptop I use for the company was having ishoos, as we say on MN. An hour on the phone with the Tech guys, fixed. Or as fixed as it can be as it’s actually a known Microsoft issue that they’ve had many many calls about. The tech guy thinks Microsoft will release a fix in a week or so. So if you’re having ishoos with updates, don’t sweat it. It will fix itself eventually.

What this means, of course, is that I still haven’t gotten to have ‘feet up Friday’. Fridays are now my day. Adam’s at daycare all day. I will have done work for my clients on his other daycare days. And Fridays are mine mine mine.

Except last week, I was ill on Monday. So I didn’t work. So I worked Friday.

And this week, although I took Wednesday off to rest, I didn’t have work to do, but Simon need to get the PC to be fixed, so I had to take Adam to nuersery. Then I had to run errands. Then I had to call tech support about the laptop. So still not Feet Up Friday.

Ah well. Maybe next week…


So our family PC has been behaving badly. Freezing. Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) and stuff like that there.

I traced the issue to the upgrade to Firefox 6.

So I did a system restore.

Now it won’t boot up at all.

So not Firefox 6’s fault, then, eh?

So glad I back up regularly and just did one last week. May have lost some pictures that were in obscure folders, but I’ll live. At least I haven’t lost our financial stuff.

Waiting to hear from tech support, erm my brother, to see if he has any ideas. Probably not except to haul it into a repair shop.

Good thing we have 2 other computers in this house, although one is specifically for my company.

Le sigh.

Had A Date Today

It was with my husband. I’m not having an affair or anything. 🙂

My mom took care of Adam and Simon and I went and saw Captain America.

I didn’t expect to like it, as I am not a comic book fan, but it was the only thing Simon wanted to see and I had no preference. However, it was excellent. Full of action, adventure, good story and good acting.

We, here in the land where Joss Whedon is king god, we are looking forward to The Avengers very much. And now more than ever.

Also? Chris Evans is very cute.

Tommy Lee Jones, however, looks like he’s been ill.

And, Marvel comics needs to learn the difference between possessive and plural in their end credits. Not “PA’s” but “PAs”, for example.

Finally, stay to the end of the credits. Trust me on this. 🙂

Interestingly, This Post Has Pictures…

Today my mom and I cleaned my kitchen. From top to bottom. Front to back. Side to side.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take before pictures. But I got some afters!

The gleaming stove and back splash: –

The gleaming sink: –

And the defrosted (heh, remember that?) freezer!!!

Then we had sushi for lunch. It was a good day! 🙂

Oh My…I’m “Officially” Frank!

As in honest, not as in I’m changing my name!

As I’ve mentioned before, I am now a member of the Mumsnet Bloggers Network. As such I have a listing on their Bloggers Network Page. My listing says:

“Tee is a graphic designer, an expat and an older mum with a young child. Follow her frank blog on working and parenting, while dealing with chronic pain and mental health issues.”

See? Frank. Officially.

