Man, I’m A Crap Blogger These Days

I would apologize, again, except I don’t feel like it. 🙂

Not much to blog about really. Just living our lives. Working, playing, sleeping, eating.

Simon turned a new age a week ago. I’d tell you how old but he doesn’t like to talk about it. However, I’m 42 and he’s 5 years younger. (Yes, I Tweeted that same thing. The old jokes are the best.)

Adam is growing and growing and all of his jeans are too short, so need to buy him some more.

This weekend is Mothers’ Day (Mother’s Day?) in the UK so Simon’s mum and dad are coming down to celebrate that *and* Simon’s birthday *and* Mother-in-Law’s birthday *and* In Laws’ wedding anniversary.

The weather has been decidedly spring like except yesterday when Adam and I had plans for the park. We went to the park in drizzle anyway. Adam was not impressed and didn’t do much. If he could talk he’d have said ‘Mum, it’s raining? What the *hell* are we doing at the park?!?’ I think he thinks he’d melt. In truth he looked adorable in his slicker with the hood up.

Speaking of Adam, 22 months is looming. Which means 2 years is looming. I am *not* ready for my baby to be 2. Can I just stop that from happening? No? Damn.

And in an unrelated issue: I only answer my mobile if it’s a number I don’t recognize when I am actually working. So if send your phone number to voice mail 3 days in a row? Leave me a freakin’ message! Otherwise I am assuming you are trying to sell me something and not answer your number even if I *am* working.

Letter To My Son – Adam – 19, er um, 20..No That’s Not Right Either…21 Months Old

Dear Adam

Um. Yeah. Mama fell behind. Nothing to say except I’m sorry and I’ll try to do better in the future.

You have done so many things in the last 3 months that I couldn’t possibly list them all. You walk. You babble constantly, maybe not in English, but Daddy and I are beginning to be able to understand you anyway.

You have also hit the ‘terrible twos’ a few months early. Your tantrums are legendary and include hitting and throwing things. Both of these things get you put right into your playpen, which you hate now. Sometimes you have to be in there so you’re out of Mama’s way and you cry the whole time. Too confining!

You’ve also been ill again.  You had a very bad D&V bug that took us to A&E and then more lung issues. Mama is 99.9% sure they are going to diagnose you with asthma soon. You’ve been nebulized twice, which you hate, and have your daily inhalers. It’s so hard for Mama and Dada when you cough so much you can’t breath and then throw up. Doesn’t seem to phase you though. You just go about your day, coughing away.

Unfortunately, your sleep has gone by the wayside. Mama is actually writing this at 0242 on a Friday night because you woke up at 0058 and haven’t been able to get back to sleep. You keep coughing as you wander around the front room, not even wanting to sit on Mama’s lap and doze. I get to wake Dada in about 3 hours and then I can get some sleep!

Last week we went to W5 at the Odyssey for the first time. You’re a bit young for it, but you liked playing with the water and a beach ball they have.  And just running around.  Dada and Mama liked it to and we’ll go back for sure.

It’s a few days later now and the actual day that you are 21 months. I’ll try to get this posted before the day is over, but I have pictures in various places I want to add and I have to find time to gather them!

You’re sleeping has gotten better over the last few nights. Mama and Dada finally broke down and bought a humidifier and it is making a world of difference in your sleep. You’ve slept through 5 of the last 6 nights. We’ve had some very early wake ups (0530 yesterday, yawn) and some trouble getting to sleep, but you’ve stayed asleep for at least 8 hours every night except one. I’ve actually had to wake you so we could get going at least twice.

Next step is to get you out of Mama and Dada’s bed and into your own where there is now a regular single bed. I’ve been planning to try to get you to nap there, but you’ve either not napped or fallen asleep in your pram ever since the bed was set up, so far no go! I am hoping to have you in your own room, in your own bed, by the time you are two!

Our other challenge is teeth! You have 4 more front ones making an appearance and then your first molars should be coming soon. The four front ones don’t seem to be hurting, but you are drooling enough to start an ocean!

Mama was beginning to worry about your lack of actual words but then she realized that while you may not speak English, you sure as heck understand it! And apparently that’s the important thing at this point of your life. You can follow simple directions, such as ‘please bring me your bottle’ and the like.  You are also beginning to be able to dress yourself, with some help. Stepping in and out of trousers is getting easier every day. Not some much taking off and putting on shirts!

And then today, for the very first time, in response to Mama saying ‘no, we’re not going up the stairs again, we need to get to the shopping’ you turned around and walked up the City Hall steps all by yourself:

And so you’re off. All by yourself.



Once Again At The GP

This time both Adam and I are ill. Cough, stuffy/painful ears, runny noses.

I guess I should be grateful that this is the first one he’s passed on to me.

We each officially have an infected ear. He also has wheezy lungs and I have a swollen tonsil.

So we’ve spent the last few days coughing and snuggling on the couch.  And he’s been very cranky. As have I.

He’s also not sleeping well. So neither am I.

It’s been a long month. And it’s only the 1st of March…

Why I Spent My Saturday Evening In A&E

Adam started coughing Wednesday night so bad he didn’t sleep, so I took him to GP on Thursday, who looked in ears etc said were red and gave ABs.

Thursday night he woke up around midnight and puked all over daddy.

Friday he had a fever all day, spiking to 101.3.  Gave ibuprofen and fever came down but not eating or drinking much.

Friday night slept about 11 hours and woke with an almost dry nappy. Mama worried.

Saturday morning threw up morning milk.  Threw up again 30 minutes later.  Threw up again 1 hour after that. Two rounds of diarrhoea.  Rash breaking out.  Passed the glass test, so not meningitis. Called out of office service for GP.  Waited 2.5 hours for a call back.  When spoke to GP felt very much like she was ‘there there, that’s a overreacting mummy’ to me.  But told me to call back if he got worse.  Also told me to go ahead and give next dose of ABs, he had thrown them up earlier.  Gave them.  Threw them up.  Gave some milk.  Threw it up.  Called back GP.  Told it was still 2 hours for a call back. Sighed.  Gave water. Threw up.  Went to A&E.

A&E triage nurses also made me feel like I was overreacting.  Waited the 3 hours to be seen and watched his rash spread more. Saw Paediatrician.  Looked in ears/throat/listened to chest.  Wondered why the hell he was given ABs.  Very strongly hinted to stop them.

Diagnoses: very severe viral infection.  *Good* thing brought him in. Not dehydrated but might have been. Keep a close eye and try to get him to drink anything but milk and water.  Great, it’s all the kid drinks! He hates juice!!

Nothing to do now but wait and let him get through it and try to keep his fluids up.

My poor wee boy. He just can’t catch a break, can he?

So, Let’s Try This Again

On Wednesday my mom and step dad get here for a week visit.  They are basically stopping over on their way to Africa for a 3 week tour.

You may recall last June when they came for Adam’s 1st birthday and stopped over in London during it where my mom landed herself in hospital and never made it back.

Yeah.  She’s not allowed to leave the country this time until her visit is over!

Her coming is always good as it kicks me in the bottom to get things done around the house.

Today I have: –

  1. Folded and put away laundry
  2. Taken down the Christmas tree and assorted other Christmas decorations
  3. Tidy Adam’s room and reorganized some things, including hanging his clothing hooks on the wall so we can actually use them to, you know, hang clothing.  Or, in the current case, his bicycle helmet.
  4. Put together the new storage bookcase in the hall closet and reorganized that closet
  5. Oh and do about an hour of work I actually get paid for.

So I’m a bit tired.  And actually have one more thing I’d like to do today.  And 4 things on my list for Wednesday, which is Adam’s next day in daycare.  Or I could do some of the Wednesday things tomorrow while he’s napping.  Presuming he naps!

So thanks for the visit Mom!  My house is getting so organized now!

And Today, 4th January 2011 At Aproximately 5pm

Adam climbed up on the sofa.

My life is over.

I have nowhere to put the phone now.

I am out of high shelf space.

Also? He can open doors.  But only if he can push.  He hasn’t figured out pull yet.  I am expecting that tomorrow.

To counteract this display to cause Mama and Dada to go ‘OH CRAP!’  he has also started running towards us to hug our legs.

He gives kisses.

He tries to feed us.

He does that patting his hand over his mouth thing going ‘wawawawa’.

He tells us long involved stories that I am sure some day will be in English.

He gives snuggling head butts.

He pats you on the arm when you are carrying him.

And also today, for the first time, he went for a brief walk with his Dada with no buggy or reins.  Holding hands down the pavement and around to the car park of our building.  I missed it as I was lying down, but Dada was very very proud.

But, did I mention? OH CRAP HE CAN CLIMB!!!

So, Do I Have Any New Years Resolutions?

Not really.

I mean, I have plans and goals for 2011 but I wouldn’t call them resolutions.

I want us to move to a house, probably rented but buying is not off the table right now.

I would like at least one more client for a few hours a week or to create a website for someone from scratch.

And that’s about it, really.

It’s been a good year, just past.  With Simon getting a great job advancement and my company doing fairly well.

So I don’t really have any resolutions.

And one wish…for an entire month, just one month, of no illness for Adam. 🙂

I Have Spent The Last Few Days

as it looks more and more likely that Christmas will be Simon, Adam and I, due to my in laws being iced in, thinking about Christmases past with my family.

And I wonder, does my step mom still yell down the stairs, after being woken by the younger generation, once her children, now her grandchildren, ‘Did he come?’  Just as if she wasn’t the one who arranged the gifts under the tree.

Do my brother and step-sister remember the year we stood out and lighted the Illuminares over and over and over again?  And the one year where one of the bags caught fire because of the wind and my brother had to stamp it out?

The year I got mad as my slightly drunk step mother insisted that I go to bed so Santa could come because I was the baby and I was at least 21?

The first Christmas J & B and I were in California and we were so broke but still had one of the best Christmases ever.

The year my dad had a heart attack at Thanksgiving and I went home for Christmas for the first time since I had moved to California.

My first horribly homesick Christmas in Northern Ireland, when I left Simon at the local pub and crawled into bed to cry.

Being with my family last year, for the first time in 6 years.

And now, just me and Simon and Adam.  Our first Christmas in our own place.  We wish the in laws could be here, but the weather is against us.

So we’ll eat a ton of turkey.  And a lot of sausages.  And possibly waaaay to much stuffing (everyone has sent me Stove Top! I have four boxes!).

And have a Happy Christmas.

On Sitting In The Dark

I am writing this on my iPhone, in the low light in Adam’s room, trying to settle him in his cot.

It’s Saturday night and I used to spend this time with my husband, drinking wine and watching movies. Now I spend it waiting for a small boy to be asleep enough to go in his cot.

This is what mummies do. They give up their wine drinking and movie watching to make sure their small people settle well into their beds.

Adam is ill again so any thoughts Simon and I had of trying to get him to settle himself are on hold until he is well. If he’s ever well.

So I sit, with my small boy on my lap, trying to move him into his cot every 15 minutes.

Eventually it might even work.