
When Adam was born and my step dad and mom were here he remarked how interesting he found it that all the old songs come back up as soon as there is a baby in the house.  Twinkle Twinkle.  This Old Man. And so on.

I was thinking about that again the other day.  How I do things with Adam that I have done with other babies in the past.

Some of them must be unique to my family, like showing Adam which Sesame Street character is on his nappy.  We used to do that with my niece.  And now I show him and sing him the song of that character.  So C is for Cookie or Rubber Ducky.  Or I just tell him how Elmo is my favourite!

Others I know are universal.  For instance, when he grabs my face or hits my arm I say ‘gently!’  Like he really has any idea yet what that means.

And then he does something that I have no idea where he learned it, but is also universal.  Like when he started blowing raspberries.  And just yesterday? He started clucking his tongue.  I didn’t teach him either of those things and neither did Simon.  He just figured them out on his own.

Or there is such as thing as genetic memory…

I Usually Just Ignore SPAM To This Site

Askimet catches it, I give it a glance on the off chance something that isn’t SPAM is caught in the filter, delete and move on.

But this one? Made me laugh out loud:

“I do think this is a most incredible website for proclaiming great wonders of Our God!”

It was  a comment to one of my newsletters to Adam.

Does that make Adam their God?

The MRI Results…

Just got back.

It is a vascular anomaly or type of  hemangioma and may have a vascular inclusion, but that is not clear.  Totally benign.  *Not* caused by my dropping him at 3 weeks.  Perhaps triggered by that.

Apparently the dermatology department have seen these a lot and have found that Beta Blockers, through studies through out the UK, work to reduce them, so that is one option.  Our consultant, is going to consultant with them and see if they agree that that will work for Adam.

So option one is do nothing, it will probably go away.

Option two is Beta Blockers.

Option three is surgery, but our consultant is really not keen on that, because if there is a vascular inclusion could mean major, dangerous bleeding.  Advantage of surgical removal is then they can send it to Pathology and really find out what it is.

Option four is to assume it is systemic and treat it as such, which means systemic drugs like steroids.

Next steps: Our consultant is going to review the MRI and ultrasound with Dermatology and with Radiology and see if they agree with his feeling that Beta Blockers are the way to go.  We should hear from either him or dermatology in 3 – 4 weeks.

It is not harming him in any way.  It does not bother him in any way.  He sleeps on it, he rolls over it, etc.  Our consultant pushed and prodded and poked at it and Adam just lay there smiling at him!

So in another few weeks we should have a treatment plan.

So how does Mummy feel?


I guess I hadn’t let myself think about it much, but I was worried that it was taking blood or something from some other part of his body and doing damage we couldn’t see.  I also had some residual guilt from ‘causing it’ by dropping him.  So I didn’t cause it, even if the fall might have triggered it.

And since he rolls over it, sleeps on it and seems to not know its there?  Adam doesn’t care what we do!

My Ongoing, Never Ending, List As To Why I Am…

the meanest mummy ever!!

I make him wear a shirt.

I won’t let him eat paper.

I won’t let him pull the cord of the light on his tall cupboard so that the light falls on his head (light cord is now out of reach).

I make him get out of the tub, even if he’s still playing, when the water gets cold enough that he is starting to shiver.

I take toys away when they make him mad and frustrated unto tantrum.

I’m sure this list will grow….

He Did It!!!

Today at 8 months and 2 days Adam rolled from his back to his front!

The first time he did it, Simon and I both missed it! I was in the other room and Simon was playing with him on the floor, only Simon got distracted by someone lowering sheet or blanket from the balcony above, looked down, and Adam was on his tummy!

He’s now done it several times.

Next up: crawling!

Letter to My Son – Adam – 8 Months Old

Dear Adam

Yesterday you were 8 months old and Mummy is sorry she is a day late with this.  Daddy was away this week for 2 nights and you kept Mummy hopping!

You have come on leaps and bounds in the past month.

You talk.  Oh, not in English, but with vowels and consonants and what seem to be sentences that actually mean something.  At least to you.

You move.  Oh, not on all fours in a crawl but you can shift yourself while on your tummy to reach for a toy.  Or Mummy’s glasses.

You stand.  Oh, not on your own, but if someone holds you up, your legs are strong and sure now.  And how you love when Daddy helps you leap into the air!

I can stand, with Daddy's help!

You sleep through.  Oh, not every night, but maybe 4 out of 7?  And of the remaining 3 most of the wake ups are just calls for your dummy.  So only one night a week when Mummy or Daddy  have to actually get you out of bed.  Not too shabby.

You eat solid food.  Oh, not by yourself, with mummy or daddy’s help.  But sometimes you try.  That’s fun for them!

When I feed myself...

No, you still don’t roll from your back to your tummy, but you are so.very.close.  It amazes me that you don’t, that’s how close you are.  It surely takes more energy to roll back to your back than it would to roll that last little bit to your tummy!

We still don’t know what The Lump is as your appointment was cancelled.  But your next appointment is this coming Monday, 15th February and then maybe we’ll know.  And what the doctors intend to do about it.  Its been a long wait.

Daddy and I have discovered that you love being upside down.  Mummy likes to carry you like that, facing out, holding on tight!  You laugh and laugh and laugh.  Daddy likes to lift you by your feet while you’re on the bed.  Full on belly laughs.

Mummy also discovered that your ribs are ticklish!  The one spot she’s found that almost always makes you laugh.

You’re getting so big, my son.  And Mummy is loving watching you learn.



Another Mummy Thing I Don’t ‘Get’

So I was reading a thread on Mumsnet the other day from a woman looking for ways to help her friend who had a newborn.  The poor friend was just exhausted, as you are, but felt like she couldn’t ask for help or go out of the house for a change of scene because the baby cried so loudly.  That part I can understand, although I also now understand that that’s what baby’s do and everyone else can just deal with it.  And newborn cries are really only very loud to their mummies!

The part I don’t understand is people’s responses along the lines of ‘oh I know, its so difficult to get out of the house with a baby.  It takes ages.  They need so much stuff!!!’

They do?  Like what?

Adam and I go out pretty much daily for at least an hour and half to two hours.  What do I take? Adam, the pram, a few nappies just in case and some wipes.  And the nappies and wipes live permanently in the bag attached to the pram.

Now, I do have a fully stocked diaper bag with changes of clothes, bottles, premade formula more nappies etc.  But I do not take it out with me every time I leave the house.  That’s for longer trips, such as when we had to be at the hospital for his MRI.

Even yesterday, when we were out a bit longer thanks to my having a fasting blood test and going to a cafe afterwards so I could eat, all I added to the nappy bag on the pram was a bottle, a covered bowl with some porridge ready to have water added, a small bottle with said water, an empty bottle and some formula.  Oh and half a banana!

But I see these parents out and about in City Centre, with children about Adam’s age, so they aren’t all that new to this parent lark, with huge bags of stuff hanging off their prams.  What could they possibly need for a quick trip to City Centre?  Even if they get stuck out longer than expected, Boots is right there, so it is always possible to buy emergency supplies!

So what am I missing?  Am I suppose to change Adam’s clothes every so often, even when clean, like he’s the host of the Oscars?  Or change his nappy every hour on the hour, even when dry?

Or am I, in this, as in so many other things, just a very laid back mummy?

Random Thoughts On A Tuesday

How tired do you have to look to have a checkout lady at Tesco, who you’ve never seen before, tell you you look tired?

Adam pulling his hat off and placing it carefully under the bar on his pram led to rapid thoughts of ‘OMG how clever, darn you your head is going to be cold, no stop growing up so fast’.

The closing of the charity shop just up the street means I have to find a new charity shop to donate to.  Darn it, it was so convenient too!

I do believe my son feels about bananas the same way I do, YUCK.  But I will try him with the other half tomorrow just to make sure.

I really should do the shredding.

And the filing.

And maybe fold some laundry.
