Why I Spent My Saturday Evening In A&E

Adam started coughing Wednesday night so bad he didn’t sleep, so I took him to GP on Thursday, who looked in ears etc said were red and gave ABs.

Thursday night he woke up around midnight and puked all over daddy.

Friday he had a fever all day, spiking to 101.3.  Gave ibuprofen and fever came down but not eating or drinking much.

Friday night slept about 11 hours and woke with an almost dry nappy. Mama worried.

Saturday morning threw up morning milk.  Threw up again 30 minutes later.  Threw up again 1 hour after that. Two rounds of diarrhoea.  Rash breaking out.  Passed the glass test, so not meningitis. Called out of office service for GP.  Waited 2.5 hours for a call back.  When spoke to GP felt very much like she was ‘there there, that’s a overreacting mummy’ to me.  But told me to call back if he got worse.  Also told me to go ahead and give next dose of ABs, he had thrown them up earlier.  Gave them.  Threw them up.  Gave some milk.  Threw it up.  Called back GP.  Told it was still 2 hours for a call back. Sighed.  Gave water. Threw up.  Went to A&E.

A&E triage nurses also made me feel like I was overreacting.  Waited the 3 hours to be seen and watched his rash spread more. Saw Paediatrician.  Looked in ears/throat/listened to chest.  Wondered why the hell he was given ABs.  Very strongly hinted to stop them.

Diagnoses: very severe viral infection.  *Good* thing brought him in. Not dehydrated but might have been. Keep a close eye and try to get him to drink anything but milk and water.  Great, it’s all the kid drinks! He hates juice!!

Nothing to do now but wait and let him get through it and try to keep his fluids up.

My poor wee boy. He just can’t catch a break, can he?

Posted in Adam and tagged .


  1. Do they have Pedialyte or the equivicant? I have fought similar battles with my boys tastes and Gatorade and Pedialyte are generally well tolerated even by the fussiest drinkers.
    Poor little mite. It sucks to be so sick and not have an adequate way to tell mum and da what hurts. Sucks to be you guys too. I always felt so guilty when they were little and sick. I still do now but it has lessened. Get some rest while you can, if you can!

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