Letter to my Baby – Gestational Age 28 Weeks

Dear Baby

Well, this week your klutz of a mother did it again. I tripped over a curb and almost landed on you.  Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, because I don’t think I actually got anywhere close to you, since I landed very hard on my knee.  And then a few days later I splashed very hot red sauce on my bump! Good thing you’re so well protected in there!

You have been a very good baby this week.  Just last night you kicked Mummy so hard she saw her tummy move and so Daddy came over and you did it again!  Finally kicked Daddy for sure!  Good Baby!!

You are a good baby in other ways as well.  Every time Mummy thinks ‘hmm, haven’t been kicked in awhile’ you kick me.  Its like you can read my mind!  (Daddy says that’s just silly, but what does he know? 🙂 )

Apparently you can now tell which way is up!  And your eyes regularly open and close.  You are about 25cm long and weigh about 1 kilo.

As for Mummy, well heartburn has reared its ugly head over the past week or so.  I have been trying to take Gaviscon, but it makes me really nauseous, so suffering a bit either way.  I have gained a total of 24 pounds, with more to come as you put on more and more weight.  My feet and lower back hurt a lot too.  But I know it will all be worth it.

Because I am so short, I have quite a large bump.  Someone said to me today ‘so any day now?’

Nope.  3 more months.

Can’t wait!



Posted in Baby, daily, Letters.

One Comment

  1. My favorite thing was to put things on my bump to watch Em kick them off. We all can’t wait to meet Little F(raser).

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