Earth Hour – What Crock of Sh**

This rant is copied directly from something I already posted on Mumsnet, with a few modifications.  Just in case it looks familiar to anyone!

So people tell me Earth Hour was ‘a statement’.

But the statement is useless.

As are our attempts to ‘save the planet’. The planet will be here long after we’re all dead and buried. Just like it was here, through earthquakes and meteor hits and Lord only knows what else long before we all started showing up.

For the record, I do recycle. But also for the record, I’ll be using disposable nappies starting in June, for the convenience to me. And the only reason I turn off lights is to save my electric bill, not to save the planet.

What’s going to kill the human race is not lack of clean air or water. Long before that happens, there just won’t be enough room on this rock for all of us. So if you want to ‘save the planet?’ Stop breeding. Which I, personally, am not willing to do.

Are you?

(For more on why Earth Hour is bulls**t, read this.  Its very good.  And a bit eye opening, for the people who think their statement did anything yesterday.  Too bad they aren’t the ones who will read it.)

Posted in daily, Thoughts.


  1. I did not participate in Earth Hour. We were watching Bolt. 🙂

    I would cloth diaper if J were on board with it, but only if I could get a service to deliver and pick up. As it happens, one opened up a week after E was born, but by that time, we decided to use disposables. For $40, we can get almost 300 @ Costco, so it actually costs me less to use them.

    As for overpopulation – that’s a myth. The planet could easily sustain 5-10 times the population that we have today, but because of corruption food does not get into the hands of people that desperately need it, and because of wastefulness/weird tax laws and other stupidity, tons upon tons of food are thrown away daily in the US alone.

  2. Oh I never said the overpopulation thing would happen tomorrow! Its mostly hyperbole to show the idiocy of things like Earth Hour!!

  3. I didn’t even think of participating, even though I recycle and am unreasonably excited I am getting a brown bin …

    It doesn’t do anything, no. I agree on that one.

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