Had A Lovely Weekend In Derry…

lovely party for in-law’s 40th anniversary. Lovely boys playing together.

Each of the boys received a new toy this past weekend, which we gave both of them to play with.  Of course what they fought over was the boxes!

At one point Adam pushed his cousin, Aidan, over.  I told Aidan to go ahead and smack Adam back and leave him, since Aidan can crawl and Adam can’t!  Yes, yes, mean mummy!!

Mostly they played next to each other rather than together.  I have video and stills.

I’ll try to have them up this week.

Just A Quick Post

been really busy doing things to get the company, the name of which is Designed To A Tee, in case you missed it, set up.  Meetings with solicitors, seminars on taxation.  All that fun stuff.

And this weekend we are heading up to Derry to celebrate my in-law’s 40th wedding anniversary.  SIL and family are coming in from London so both grandkids will be there!

We are hoping Adam watches his cousin and decides to try this crawling thing!

Did I mention?  He can sit up!!

To Play Pen or Not To Play Pen, That Is The Question…

and the answer? Was To Play Pen.

It will be  nearly impossible to baby proof our flat.  We have no storage room, all the closets are stuffed full (albeit they need to be organized, which is going to happen) and its not like we have a loft or a garage.  So all breakables have to stay where they are.  So we need somewhere to put a soon to be crawling little boy.

And so we bought a play pen.  Its fairly large, so he’s got quite a bit of room to move around.  Its got a padded bottom and very high sides, so he’s very safe.

And so far? He loves it.  He’s always been fairly good about playing by himself, sitting in his bouncy seat or his disco saucer.  This just gives him a another place, with less restriction of movement than those two things.

Also, those two things are only suppose to be used until he is about 1, or at least until he’s mobile and climbing.  The play pen is good until he’s about 2.

So we’ve play penned.  And I’m very happy about it!

I Think I Need A Good Cry

I set into motion today putting Adam into daycare.  Not full time, just two half days a week, but I still feel like its letting my baby go out into the wide world without me.  I am not sure I am ready for that.

I know it will be good for him.  And for me.  But it is still scary.

You hear so many scary stories about bad day care situations, never mind what the Catholic Church is up to.  I am a firm believe that the world isn’t any more dangerous than it was when I was a kid, we just hear about it more.  But its different when its your little baby.

I think I would be less wary of it if he was older.  He can’t communicate yet so leaving him in someone else’s hands is a true test of faith.  If they hurt him he won’t be able to tell me, you know?

But I will thoroughly investigate all options.  Do site visits.  Do surprise visits once we’ve chosen one.

And pray a bit.

Letter To My Son – Adam – 10 Months Old

Dear Adam

My goodness, 10 months already.  Not too far off a year, my son!

This past month you have been developing like crazy.  You can stand, if you hold on.

Now here I look like my daddy!

You can slide backwards and will crawl soon.

You have started to clap and play peek a boo with your blue blankey.

And you have 4 teeth and possible 5, 6 and 7 coming in!

You sit up nice and tall and can twist down onto your tummy.

See? Sitting.

I forgot to mention a milestone last month; the new notebook!  You see, when you came home from SCBU there were 3 of us taking care of you, Mummy, Daddy and Grandma.  It was making Mummy nuts that no one could remember what time your bottle was made, and they are only good for 2 hours, or how much you had eaten.  So she started a notebook and every time a bottle was made, the time was written down.  And then, after 2 hours, how much of it you had eaten.  Also whether or not you had pooed!!  Anyway, it helped Mummy and Daddy figure out when to increase or decrease your milk.  And when to throw a half full bottle away!

And last month we finished the first book. So sort of a milestone.  9 months of milk records finished.  And not kept.  Mummy may be starting a scrapbook for you, but she thought that was a bit over the top!

Still no word on the surgery to remove The Lump.  But hopefully we will hear soon.

In a few weeks we are going to Grandma and Grandad’s house for their 40th Wedding Anniversary Party.  Aunt A, Uncle J and Cousin A will be there!  Its gonna be so.much.fun!



I Need To Have A Good Whinge

First of all, let me once again note that my son is an awesome sleeper at night.  He goes down with minimal fuss and sleeps more or less through the night now, at nearly 10 months of age.

But naps. Oy!  You would think he is expecting a call from President Obama the way he fights napping.  Most days he eventually gets there, for 30 – 45 minutes in the morning and sometimes as long as 2 hours in the afternoon.  But getting him there can take, literally, hours.

And its during those hours that I get the most frustrated.  That I need a break the most.  That I wish I had family closer so I could ring them and say ‘He won’t nap.  Can you come look after him for 30 minutes so I can pee/shower/fold some laundry/have a full cup of coffee?’  I often IM my mum to tell her I’m putting stamps on his butt and sending him to her on days like that.

But oh, to actually have her near by!  I am envious of people who have family near by.

My mum is coming to visit the first two weeks of June, so she’ll be here for Adam’s first birthday.

And for at least one morning? I’m handing him over and walking out the door!

So…My Own Business…

My maternity leave is rapidly coming to a close.  I am in the last 3 months, which means no pay, and time to make a decision regarding my job.

I was pretty certain I didn’t want to go back full time.  I would then just be working to pay someone else to look after my son.  Just silly, really.

So I approached my line manager about coming back to do the company’s graphics and web maintenance., from home, part time.

He agreed!

We are still working out the details, but as of 1st June 2010 I will be officially opening Designed To A Tee, as a sole trader.

Its a bit scary.  But it is also very exciting.  I have always wanted to work for myself.  And now I will.  And still be able to look after Adam.  And have a bit of money.

I already have an additional client, my brother.  I did his new logo.

So if you know anyone looking for some graphics, or web management, have them email me.  Its Robyn.Fraser @ Leyser . Org.  No spaces!!