Well, Was Feeling Better…

and now I’m not.  Today I am totally nauseaous.  And depressed.  And just generally feeling BLAH!

Did go out yesterday and see Watchmen.  It was pretty good, if very violent.

And my second foray into slow cooker use was successful!  I made chicken caccatori.  Was a bit watery, but very very tasty.  We will be having that one again.

One other thing about meds and breastfeeding…I have tried almost every med known to man.  The only one that works is Xanax.  I cannot breastfeed while on it.  Thank you for your help otherwise, everyone.  I will give it a try without the meds, but if I need them, I need them.  End of story.

Posted in Baby, daily, Mental Illness.


  1. *hug* I hope you feel better soon.

    Re pills and breast feeding: you are choosing what is best for your baby *AND* yourself, so if anyone makes you feel guilty about that, I’ve got my usual steel clue by four at your service. This baby is already loved, wanted and about to have the best possible start in life – you’re going to be great parents. Again, anyone who disagrees can say hello to my steel friend 😉 mwah! xxx

  2. There is a lot of conflicting info on Xanax online…This article has the clearest info (info taken from Dr. Hale – the general public can’t get into his forums to ask questions unfortunately, and I don’t have his book handy), and of the drugs from that family, Xanax is actually one of the safest to take while breastfeeding as long as it is low-dose.


    I promise I’m not trying to press. I’m just generally suspect of doctor’s recommendations, and would personally hate a “that’s it, end of story” recommendation from one. You of course should do what is best for you and the baby. The good news is that lactation releases a lot of ‘feel good’ hormones, so worrying about it just might be a moot point. 🙂

    My favorite thing to do in a slow cooker is a beef roast with carrots, potatoes and some onion soup mix. Throw it all in with some water and leave it alone during the day. At dinnertime, it is a tender, yummy meal.

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