The Weirdest Things Fill Me With Pride…

Until recently there was some concern that Adam had a speech delay. He was barely speaking, although babbling incessantly, and I was starting to get worried.

And then he approached two and started adding new words daily. And started using 2 words together like ‘Hi Daddy!’ and ‘Night Night Daddy!’ (yeah, we’re still lacking some Mummy!!). He still doesn’t talk much around strangers, including at nursery, who say ‘he’s quiet but fun!’, but he talks a lot at home.

And then he says things that make my heart swell with pride. Stupid things. Things that would make other people would look at me like this: O_o

Yesterday, for example, it was picking up his pacifier, showing it to me and saying ‘Dummy.’ Then he nodded and put it back down.

I thought I was going to cry.

I still might at the memory.

I am adoring watching him grow and learn and understand. He still has so much to learn. Numbers and colours and words and writing. Maths and science and drawing.

But there is so much he already knows. Where to put the trash. Which bin his dirty clothes go into. How to step out of trousers (so long as he holds on!).

And how to wear Mummy’s trainers:

Posted in Adam, Being a Mummy and tagged .


  1. I love it when they start talking. James’s favorite word right now is DUPDACHE! Said with a very german sounding ch at the end. He’s not going to have any trouble with Switzerland 😉 (It means cupcake, by the way).

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