So, Monday

I do my first ‘hire me, I rock’ pitch to a potential new client.

I’m not as nervous as I might be as the client is someone I’ve known for years and consider a work friend.  I mean, we’ve never gotten together away from The Science Park, other than Science Park parties, but we chat when we see each other, catch up, enquire about our kids, that sort of thing.

Its not even really a pitch, more of a ‘hey, wanna have some coffee and I’ll tell you what I can do for you, if you’re interested?’  His company already has a fairly decent website, it just needs updating.  And maintained.  I am hoping he may need a brochure or two as well.

So keep an eye on my website.  I’m about to add a gallery page and maybe, just maybe, a new client to the list.

Posted in Designed To A Tee.

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