I Once Put As My Facebook Status

“People without chronic pain illness cannot understand that a lessening of pain is as good as no pain at all.”

That holds true every day of my life.

I am in pain of some sort 24/7/365.  Whether my left hand aches from arthritis or my left leg hurts from ass to ankle with early degenerative disease or my upper arms protest from the simplest actions due to fibro, there is some kind of pain in my body.  Sometimes all of the above at the same time. Sometimes even more than that.

So when I wake up and its only one of those things? That’s an awesome day.

Today? Is pretty much an awesome day.  My left hand doesn’t hurt (although it is stiff).  My leg feels pretty good.  My arms are less sore than they have been lately.

The main reason for this is rest.  Simon is on holiday for two weeks, this week coming up being the second, and, as we try to do when he’s off, we’ve been each having 2 nights on, 2 nights off, getting up with Adam.  And not only have the last two nights been my nights off, but Adam has started to sleep better again.  So really, I’ve had 3 fairly decent nights sleep in a row.

And all it really takes is 2.  2 good nights and I start to feel better.  The problem has been the 3rd night.  But, with any luck, Adam will sleep well tonight and I’ll get 4 decent nights sleep in a row.

Man, imagine how good I might feel tomorrow!

Posted in Adam, Fibro.

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