So, He’s Here.

Bush I mean. Here in Belfast. All over the news, including the note that traffic will be horrific as he is taken around town. Also? Protest signs all over the city, calling him a war monger and war criminal. Yeah, he’s not really liked here.

As I’ve said before, I am not all that political. For the past 39 years I have watch Presidents come and Presidents go. And for the most part? Nothing changes. Oh, they change on the short term sometimes. But they always go back to the status quo in a few years. Even all of this scary stuff that is going on in the US right now? Will eventually change back to the way it was.

So I don’t really think who the President is is all that important.

I do have a question though. And before I ask it, let me re-iterate, this is *only* a question. It is not a suggestion or something I am planning on doing myself or any of those things. Just in case the FBI or CIA read my blog (yeah right). The question?

If Bush is so hated, why has no one tried to kill him yet? My answer? Its two fold:

Fold 1: he’s not worth going to prison over.

Fold 2: Killing him makes him famous for all time. Keeping him alive means he’ll head into obscurity in less than 100 years. Can you tell me, off the top of your head, without looking it up, who the President was in ’58? (my soon to be brother in law probably can, but he’s a President geek!) I certainly don’t know.

I mean, I am sure some people do know who the President was in ’58 without looking it up. But I’d bet *everyone* who is from the US knows who the 16th President was, without even thinking about it. Or who the President was in 1963.

And although they may know Lincoln’s name due to the whole slavery thing (sorry I shouldn’t be flippant about that), they also know his name due to the fact that he was assassinated.

And they may know that Kennedy did the whole Cuban Missile Crisis thing, but they definitely know he was assassinated.

So, let’s keep Bush alive. Because he really isn’t going to be known for anything. At least, not anything good.

For the record? It was Eisenhower in ’58. And yes, I had to look it up.

Posted in daily, Thoughts.

One Comment

  1. we do not kill our politicians here regardless of our contrary political positions because…we are civilized. that is the real reason and what sets us apart from the majority of the world.

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