On Shopping and Saturday Surprises…

Headed to Boots today to start stocking up on baby things.

I am concerned about skin care, as Simon has eczema quite badly and I had it as a child as well, so we are going to begin skin care with just warm water and cotton wool, no pre-moistened wipes or baby soap.  I did buy some wipes, for when out and about, but made sure they were alcohol and soap free.  Also bought nail clippers, snot bulb and some muslin squares.  Simon was a bit ICK on the snot bulb, but it is definitely a necessity!!

Then we got home and the phone rang.  It was a man delivering our new dishwasher!!  Now, our dishwasher broke about  a week ago, when the bottom spin part kept falling off!  This means the water was not shooting upwards in the correct manner.  We were told they were going to order a new part and fix it that way.  Instead, we have a new dishwasher!

Well, its not 100% new, its re-furbished, but it is new to us and works well so far!  So that was a lovely Saturday surprise.

Next week it is all hands on deck for sorting out the baby’s room.  And we are going to purchase the furniture.  Time to stop letting the room be a dumping ground for the unwanted bits and bobs and turn it into a real honest to god nursery!

This week had a bit of a farce with finding out I am aneamic.  You see, I received a letter from Antenatal clinic saying, you are aneamic, take iron.  Without indicating how much or if I need a ‘script or what. So I call the clinic.  They say call your GP.

I call my GP.  GP calls me back and says ‘but did they mention your B12 levels?’ Um, no.  So I had to go to GP’s office on Friday morning and get blood taken and now I have to wait for the results to come back, although I do have a ‘script for iron that I filled, GP doesn’t want me to take it until the other tests are back.

It is one thing that totally frustrates me about the NHS.  I see OBs and Midwives at the clinic, but I need to go to my GP for meds!  Why can’t the clinic just write ‘scripts? Its absolutely insane!  I had the same issue when I saw a psychiatrist.  Psychiatrist, who is an MD, so far as I know, couldn’t write me a ‘script!

Posted in Baby, daily, Pregnancy.


  1. Our hospital provided the snot bulb and we still use it. Its TOTALLY necessary, though the baby never seems to think so. And be super careful with the nail clippers. I felt like the worlds worst parent one time when I got a tiny snip of skin along with the nail and Em cried for a good long time because of it.

    Eczema is so hard to look at on a baby, because you know they’re uncomfortable. Lots of times, eliminating stuff from their diet (or yours if breastfeeding) can help ease it considerably. Hopefully you won’t have to deal with it at all though.

    Also, there are some great sites for making your own diaper wipe solution with natural ingredients, so you can ensure what’s actually touching your baby’s skin.

    Em had horrible cradle cap, and while it didn’t bother her at all, we couldn’t stand looking at it, so we used the baby equivalent of dandruff shampoo until it was gone. It sorta came back for a little bit, but she grew enough hair to cover it up and now its completely gone.

    Hooray for the nursery. We still have Em in our room even though she sleeps through the night, so I’m clueless about a room for her. I probably still won’t do any big decorative things until we change her bed into a “big girl” bed.

    And bizarro about the prescription stuff. I don’t know what to say, since I know nothing about the health care over there. Hopefully you have everything sorted by now.

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