The other day I posted this on my Facebook:
Now here’s Tee, with your weekly Lunch Making Report: Tee?
Thank you, Tee.
On Monday and Tuesday there were no issues. On Wednesday, sandwiches were put into the wrong lunch bags and Daddy mourned his lack of cheese but enjoyed the white bread while Adam had a tear or two for brown bread, but ate the filling and an orange provided by Mrs L.
On Thursday, Adam had pasta so he was safe but Daddy’s sandwich was without mayonnaise. Mummy realised this around 930a and text Daddy to warn him. His reply was frown emoticon.
And now today, Friday, all lunches are within parameters and the family gave Mummy a big cheer!
Quite a lot of people liked it or smiled at it.
And then came the judges. Saying they could make their own lunches. And how in their house it was every man for himself.
And I started to get defensive. There are reasons, good ones, as to whyI make Simon and Adam’s lunches every day. Also, I shared this to poke fun at myself and lament my badly functioning brain, affected by a combination of fibro and perimenopause.

The original maker seems to be lost, but I got it here:
And I started to defend myself.
And stopped.
Because why should I? The reasons Simon and I have for the way we run our family are just that; our reasons. I don’t worry about what happens in your house, so why are you so concerned about mine?
Yes. I shared the above. As I said, as a way to blow off frustration and to write it what I thought was a funny way. Not because I was looking for advice or opinion. It was just one of the many ways my poor brain is these days.
So I’m going to still post things like this.
So feel free to judge me, offer advice or do whatever you need to do to get through the day.
But I’m going to stop explaining and/or defending myself, my choices and my family.
Were they judgy? I remember the post and to me it seemed to be ‘ha ha, sod that for game of soldiers, let them make their own’ sort of thread.
That was shit if you were got at.
Whether they meant to be judgy or not? I felt judged. As I often feel when discussing the way Simon and I run our lives/house/etc.
It might just be my shit, but I also feel like I spend so much time, we all spend so much time, defending my choices and I shouldn’t have to!
Exactly Sarah!
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