Going to the In-Laws for the Weekend

So probably won’t post again until Sunday.

Still not sleeping well.  Seeing my doctor today.

DFA starts his holiday today.  TWO WEEKS!

DCRF starts his after today.  THREE WEEKS!

Only one who will be around is the CEO.  I plan on getting a lot of website updates and a lot of tidying done around the office.

And of course July 12th and 13th holiday is coming up.  It is a weekend this year, so we have 14th and 15th off instead.  FOUR DAY WEEKEND! And then the week after that my cousin is here visit and I have taken a weeks holiday for that.

So should be a fairly calm couple of weeks.

A Blast From the Past

I had another bad night.  I woke up at 4:40 and haven’t gotten back to sleep.  I tried for about 20 minutes, doing relaxation and guided breathing.  No dice.

So I got up about 5 and logged in.  And in my email box is a message.  At first, I will admit, I stared at the name going, she knows me, who the hell is that? Boarding School?  My job in California? Univers…OMG ITS R!!! (I don’t want to use names here).

R and I were best friends for many years at the University of Iowa.  We lived on the same hall our first year, which is how we met.  Then we lived down the hall from each other our second year.  Then we shared an apartment out third year.  And then we had a huge fight and never spoke again.

And then there she was, in my inbox, having searched for, I’m not sure what, and found me.  15ish years later.

And it was just the boost I needed today.

I admire her for taking the chance and sending me the email.  I mean, our friendship really ended badly.  But as she said, that was years ago.  And she’s right.

So thanks for doing that google search R.  So glad you’re back in my life.  Even if its only through email!!!

So Today My Mother and Step-Father Start a Great Adventure…

They flew out of San Francisco to spend about a month in China.  The first week is a tour.  The rest of the trip is my Step-Father teaching English to Chinese people. He speaks not one word of Chinese.  But he already does this with some Russians in the States.  He should be excellent at it.

So good luck, Mom and Step Dad.  Can’t wait to hear all about it!!

First Full Week on SparkPeople…

Only lost .2 of a lb *but* lost 1 inch in my waist and 1 inch in my hips.  So a decent week!

Thought I was going to lose at least a pound this week, but c’est la vie.  Next week is another week!

In other news, back to work tomorrow.  And that thing that made me so happy?  The other day? That I said I couldn’t share yet?  Is that the AICAMML gave his notice.  This coming week is his last week.  I literally danced around my living room.  I spoke briefly to my boss and he is, of course, less than thrilled, since it makes his life really hard.  Accounts Manager is suppose to be on Maternity Leave until September, so we need to find someone else ASAP. Especially with our yearly Audit coming up in about 3 weeks.

But I am so feckin’ happy about it.  He is such an idiot, and so bad at the job, I will be relieved to see the back of him.  And I don’t think I’ll be the only one to be happy about this.

Okay, so Maybe…

I should have stopped and apologized when I ran into the woman in front of me and jabbed her in the head with the pointy thingy on the brolly, and I did say sorry as I passed.

However, the reason I ran into the woman in front of me and jabbed her in the head with the pointy bit of my brolly is because she was so busy talking to her friend and fussing at her baby in the pram that she stopped dead *right* in front of me.  I had no where to go but up her back.

And I’m sick of it.  I’m sick of people not paying attention to the people around them.  I’m sick of people taking up the entire pavement as they walk 3 and 4 abreast, ignoring people saying excuse me as they try to get past.  I am sick of the self-centered bullshit I see all day, every day all over the place.

Be aware people.  Be aware of who is around. Yes, of who might be behind you when you stop short.  Who you are blocking with your SUV style pram.

I’ve heard that they’ve found the centre of the university and you know what? Its none of you.

And maybe that accidental jab in the head with the pointy bit of my brolly will be a Pavlovian reminder to this self-centered bint to pay attention to the world around her next time.  But I doubt it.


So last night was my first night of not taking a sleeping pill.  I took them for a week solid and then have to take them every other night for a week.  Did it work?

No idea.  Why? Cuz my husband woke me up at 3am by pulling on my arm and I never got back to sleep!!  He remembers doing it, he has no idea why he did it.  Some days I like him better than other days. 🙂

Today I get my eyes examined to see if I need new glasses.  I hope not, since my lenses, just the lenses, no frames, are usually about £200.  I have really really bad eyes.  Simon and I were discussing this last night, because if I do need new ones, I’d like to get completely new ones and keep my currents ones as spares, as I don’t have any spares. He tried to convince me that I don’t really need glasses.  Yeah, right.

If I didn’t buy the special, plastic, thin them down edge glasses?  They are literally over an inch thick.    Even with the thinned down ones, the lenses are about 1/2 an inch thick.  I have really really bad eyes!

I am pretty sure that soon I will need bifocals, as things don’t get clear until they are about 5 inches from my face.  But maybe not quite yet!

So we’ll see what they say today!


I can’t tell you why I am so happy, but something really great just made my day.  I’ll be able to tell you about it next week sometime, I would think.  And, no, I’m not pregnant.

In other news, I am feeling much much better.  It was definitely the lack of sleep that was making me ill.  Now that I’ve been averaging about 6 hours a night (as opposed to 4 or 5) my headache is gone, I am no long nauseous and I feel much much better.

I will definitely be ready to go back to work on Monday.

So, He’s Here.

Bush I mean. Here in Belfast. All over the news, including the note that traffic will be horrific as he is taken around town. Also? Protest signs all over the city, calling him a war monger and war criminal. Yeah, he’s not really liked here.

As I’ve said before, I am not all that political. For the past 39 years I have watch Presidents come and Presidents go. And for the most part? Nothing changes. Oh, they change on the short term sometimes. But they always go back to the status quo in a few years. Even all of this scary stuff that is going on in the US right now? Will eventually change back to the way it was.

So I don’t really think who the President is is all that important.

I do have a question though. And before I ask it, let me re-iterate, this is *only* a question. It is not a suggestion or something I am planning on doing myself or any of those things. Just in case the FBI or CIA read my blog (yeah right). The question?

If Bush is so hated, why has no one tried to kill him yet? My answer? Its two fold:

Fold 1: he’s not worth going to prison over.

Fold 2: Killing him makes him famous for all time. Keeping him alive means he’ll head into obscurity in less than 100 years. Can you tell me, off the top of your head, without looking it up, who the President was in ’58? (my soon to be brother in law probably can, but he’s a President geek!) I certainly don’t know.

I mean, I am sure some people do know who the President was in ’58 without looking it up. But I’d bet *everyone* who is from the US knows who the 16th President was, without even thinking about it. Or who the President was in 1963.

And although they may know Lincoln’s name due to the whole slavery thing (sorry I shouldn’t be flippant about that), they also know his name due to the fact that he was assassinated.

And they may know that Kennedy did the whole Cuban Missile Crisis thing, but they definitely know he was assassinated.

So, let’s keep Bush alive. Because he really isn’t going to be known for anything. At least, not anything good.

For the record? It was Eisenhower in ’58. And yes, I had to look it up.

So, I’ve Fallen Into the Abyss…

and joined a social networking site.  In my defense, its not MySpace or Facebook.  Its SparkPeople which is a dieting site and a networking site.

I really need to get back on track with my eating.  I’ve gained back about 10 lbs of the 29 I lost last year and the year before.  My clothes still fit and stuff, but I am over it at this point.  Its time to get obsessed again.  And stay obsessed.

I don’t really like calling what I do a diet.  Its not.  Its a life changing eating plan.  Its cutting carbs and sugar and fat.  And exercising.

One thing I like about SparkPeople is that they not only list exercises for you to do, but actually have videos for you to watch of people doing them, so you can do them correctly.  So today I do strength training with crunches and leg lifts and some other basic stuff.  And when I go back to work week after next, I will start walking home again.

If you happen to be a member, or join after reading this, my user name over there is Tee2072.  Come by my SparkPage and say hi.

Oh, and the picnic yesterday was canceled.  Too much wind and rain. Bummer.