I Am About To Rant. You Have Been Warned.

So I posted links to this Free Range Kids Blog Post about a 9 year left in a car to wait for mom and dad with her 6 year old sleeping sibling. Someone walking by called the police and CPS and Dad got arrested for child neglect.

I posted this in several places, deliberately.  The question I asked? Not, is it okay to leave a 9 year old and a 6 year old alone in a car in a busy car park.  Because the answer to that question is that it depends on the 9 and 6 year old.  No, I asked should it be a police matter if parents believe their 9 year old is able to watch their 6 year old sleeping sibling in a car.

Have now been told, over and over, that I am crazy to think that any 9 year old is mature enough to watch their sleeping sibling.  That I could not possibly know what a 9 year old is like, since Adam is only 11.5 weeks.  Oh and that for sure the dad should have been arrested for neglect.

Excuse me?

So what these people are telling me is that I am not allowed to make decisions based on my knowledge of my own child?  Obviously I do not yet know what Adam will be like as a 9 year old.  This does not mean that I do not think about the future and how I would react depending on how he is at that age.  This does not mean that I do not already know that I (and his father, obviously) plan to raise him as ‘free range’ as possible, depending on how he is and the situation.

But, apparently, there are people in the world who will assume he is abandoned, neglected, what have you because they see him in a situation that they think is dangerous. Without making sure it actually is.

And the scenarios they’ve come up with as to why its dangerous?  Well, at least it wasn’t kidnapping fears.  It was, the 9 year old might get bored and play with the car controls.  Or the 6 year old might wake up and ignore what the 9 year old says.

Gee, I don’t know.  I think if I thought my 9 year old was capable of staying in the car with the 6 year old, I would be pretty sure that the 9 year old wouldn’t play with the car controls and I would be pretty damn sure that the 6 year old would listen to the 9 year old.

I was also told that that was ridiculous.  That no 6 year old would ever listen to a 9 year old.

My mind boggles.

I don’t care how you raise your kids.  Get off my back about how I raise mine.

BTW, these are the same people who are amazed when they read stories about university students who can’t interact with professors without parental intervention.  And recent graduates whose parents call to check up on job interviews.

I guess they don’t realize that this is exactly the kind of kid they just might be raising.

Today, At City Centre

An old hag lovely old dear said to me in passing ‘your jaw is going to really hurt when you get home.’  I assume because I was chewing gum.  What did I say back?  A raised eyebrow and a confused look, followed by a belly laugh.  What did I want to say back?

“Thanks for your opinion you nosy old hag lovely old lady.  Would you rather I was blowing smoke into my baby’s face?”

Yesterday The Best Thing Ever Happened.

Adam gave his first full on belly laugh.  I was laughing at him because he paused in his feeding to let out a huge fart and my laughing led to him laughing.

It was one of those ‘damn, why isn’t the video camera aimed at him 24/7’ moments.  And it was the most joyous sound I have ever heard.

My good, big son.  The smiley laughing boy.

So, I Once Swore I Wouldn’t Use

Facebook or MySpace or any other social networking site because they were stupid.

I was wrong.

Sure, people can take them much too seriously.  Just like message boards.

But what I am finding really really neat is the way my friends are interconnecting just because they all know me.


My status said: How does a 2 month old get dirt under his fingernails? Has he been gardening when I’m not looking?

I received two responses.  My friend Margo said if he was gardening send him her way to help her.  Then my friend Teresa said and after he’s done at Margo’s send him to me.

Margo and Teresa have never met.  Will never meeting.  Are in no way connected except that they both know me.  Margo lives in the UK.  Teresa in the US.  I know Margo through one message board, Teresa through another.

There have been other, more involved conversations amongst people on my friends list in response to my status updates.  I find it fascinating.

People also ask me if all 114 people listed as my friends are actually people I know.  Most of them are.  Recently I have added people I don’t really know because I play a few Facebook games where you get further in the game the more people you friend who also play the game.  So I have responded to some requests on some message boards to be friended for that purpose. The games are Farm Town and Farmville if anyone wants to neighbour me!!

But that’s about 10 people out of 114.  Have I met them all in real life? Nope.  But they are really my friends.  People I speak to daily via various venues.  Or they are my family!  Ya know, people I’m related to via blood or marriage!

And through them I speak to people I would never have had met.  And they do the same through me.

It ain’t called the World Wide Web for nothing…

Letter to My Son – Adam – 2 Months Old

Dear Adam

Today you are 2 months old.  Would you believe not one trip the hospital for anything other than a check up for the whole month?

Of course, this doesn’t mean you haven’t been hurt.  Daddy was clipping your fingernails and missed and cut a big chunk out of one of your fingers.  That’s the hardest you’ve cried.  And the blood!  And the Daddy guilt.  Which I told him to stop, as its nothing compared to Mummy dropping you on your head!

You were at the hospital for your after head dropping check up and it turns out that you did crack a rib as well.  Nothing they can do except let it heal, especially since it is obviously not hurting you.  You do still have a big lump on your side and the Doctor said that was why.  You have been discharged though!  So no more hospitals for you, please, my son. Just your regular baby clinic visits and jabs!

We’ve also had some bad days of crankiness and not sleeping.  Mummy thinks its a bit of colic.  Or maybe just being 2 months old.  She tells herself, and you and Daddy, this too will pass.  Some day you’ll be 18 and we’ll be fretting about something else.  Like you wanting to take a year to travel the world with your unsuitable girlfriend. 🙂

You’ve started to smile at Mummy and Daddy.  Its the best thing in the whole world.  Along with your babbling to yourself as you sit in your chair.  Or maybe you’re babbling to your animals that hang on it?


Things we’ve learned about you this month: –

  • If you are totally hysterical, but won’t take a bottle or a dummy or even a hug, putting you under your mobile in your cot is instant calm.  Winnie the Pooh for the win!
  • If you are obviously sleepy but just won’t settle, a good swaddle in  your blue blanket and a few minutes cuddle (usually) knocks you out for at least a little while!
  • SDC10396

  • You are beginning to be able to sooth yourself back to sleep, so long as you aren’t hungry or dirty.
  • You make a sound that sounds like a giggle.  But might not be.

At your last weigh in your were 12lbs and 22inches.  My great big boy!

Keep growing!

