Highlights of 9 Months of Pregnancy

Me: Simon, this thing says pregnant.
Simon: Test again!!

Me: Mom, its me.
Mom: Hi. Why are you calling me in California? (she was at my brother’s house)
Me: Cuz I’m pregnant

Simon: Dad? I thought we might come up…seeing as you’re going to be a grandfather.
Dad: Oh, you’ve spoken to Anna?
Simon: Wait, Anna’s pregnant also???

(Anna is Simon’s sister. She’s due 22nd June)

Me: Hi Daddy.
Daddy: Why are you ringing on a Saturday? What’s wrong?
Me: Cuz I wanted to give you plenty of notice that I’m pregnant so you can plan your visit.

Me: (to my bosses) While its just the four of us (open plan office, no one else in yet)…I’m pregnant!
Bosses: Congratulations!!!

Midwife: Mrs Fraser?
Me: Yes?
Midwife: I have your triple test results…
Me: Yes?
Midwife: 1:1002.
Me: ::Cries::

And What I Will Miss…

about being pregnant.

I know I’ve said I hate it, and I do.  But there are still a few things I’ll miss:

The feeling of the wiggle worm on the interior.

Knowing that that baby is 100% safe, something I’ll never have once its on the outside.

Seeing my bump move with the baby.  Always makes me laugh out loud.

And really, that’s it!!!

7 days…

Other Than, Ya Know, Baby…

what am I looking forward to after its here?

PJ bottoms that stay up.

Jeans that stay up.

Not crying every time someone looks at me funny.

Sleeping on my tummy.

Eating whatever I want.

Stopping my insulin.

Walking from the living room to the bedrom without getting out of breath.

Standing up without having to run to the loo.

Just in general getting my body back.

8 more days. 🙂

Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 37 Weeks

Dear Baby

This might very well be the last letter with no name attached.

Mummy was at the OB today and has been scheduled to have you delivered on Thursday, 11th June 2009.  So there’s your birthday!

Just over a week and we’ll know if you’re Adam or Zoe!

It is beastly hot here, hottest its been in NI in eons during June.  Just lovely for your mummy, whose feet and hands are swelling from the heat.  She is just so very uncomfortable.

She has discovered, however, that if she pats a part of you, the part that she is 99.99% sure is your tushi, you move. 🙂 You’re a total wiggle worm!

We are ready for you to arrive, your daddy and I.  So glad you’re ready to come!



Conversations with My Baby

I talk to the baby on the interior.  All the time.

I tell it to hush and calm down when its kicking vigirously.

I’ve given it a tour of its room.

I’ve told it about its pram, which is currently in pieces in boxes.

And I tell it, every day, how much its Daddy and I love it.

The exact same conversations I will have with it once it becomes the baby on the exterior.  Long before it will be able to understand me.

Luckily, Simon thinks its cute that I do this.

Even if he didn’t think it was cute, I would still do it.  But at least he doesn’t think I’m totally bonkers! 🙂

As If Having A Baby Isn’t Grown Up Enough…

Simon and I are off to the solicitors today to have our wills made!  Not that we have tons of assets or anything, but we do want to have something in place for the baby in case, god forbid, something happens to both of us.

I know some people who refuse to make a will.  They think it is tempting death, or something.  How incredibly stupid is that?

Did I stupid? I meant stupid and selfish.

The only way to guarantee that your belongings, whether worth £1,000,000 or £10, go to whom you want in a timely manner is to have a will drawn up.  Without it your estate can be tied up for years in the courts, eaten away by legal fees and such.  What a horrible legacy to leave for your descendants.

Not that wills are never contested, of course.  But everyone should have one, regardless.

And, certainly, anyone with children should have, in writing, in legal terms, who is to look after the children if something should happen to the parents.

Anyone who doesn’t is stupid, selfish and a fool.

Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 36 Weeks

Dear Baby

One Month Left. 🙂

Have been very busy getting your room ready.  Your clothes are almost all washed and put away.  The bumper is on your cot.  The sheets will be on tomorrow or Thursday for sure.

You are being a major wiggle worm, constantly stretching and moving in my tummy.  Its so nice to feel.  It lets Mummy know that you are okay in there.

Mummy has been sleeping very well, which is a  nice change from normal!  I think it helps that I have no real stress at the moment.  The lack of going to work is ace!

Daddy totally charmed Mummy this week when he was helping out taking your laundry out of the dryer.  Cries of ‘Oooh little socksies!’ was just wonderful!

Mummy didn’t see the doctor today, so she’s not exactly sure how big you are now.  She knows you were 6lbs last week, she imagines you’re even bigger this week.

Next Tuesday she’ll see the OB again, and quite possibly have your eviction date.  How exciting!

