And So It Begins

the baby’s laundry, I mean. 🙂

Just spent 45 minutes unwrapping, reading wash tags and separating in preparation for washing.  First load is in washer.

The problem with not knowing the gender is that almost everything is white or off white.  I am actually doing a white load and an off white load, there is so much!

And I was right…I still do need booties, hats and mitts.  My mum keeps asking why I need those for a June baby.  Well, it is a June baby in Belfast!  Could be 5 C when its born.  Although we are having some heat at the moment.  That will probably end soon though.

After baby clothes are washed, I can begin putting them in the baby’s dresser, which doubles as its changing table.  By the end of the week, the baby’s room will be ready.  So very exciting!

Excellent, and Quick, Customer Service

So, when the OB said ‘come back in 2 weeks and then we’ll schedule a C-section for 10 days after that’ I went into panic mode a bit. Not about the baby nearly being here, but about being ready for the baby to nearly be here!

I still did not have:

The Amby Hammock

Sheets for the cot

Bumper for the cot

So I went online on Sunday and bought the Amby.  It was delivered yesterday. WOW!

Then on Tuesday, I remembered that a friend on Mumsnet, when I had expressed concern about the lack of a baby bumper, which are not recommended for small babies due to possibility of suffocation, whereas I was worried about baby hitting its head, told me about the Airwave Cot Bumper.  That was ordered Monday.  I received it yesterday. WOW!

Then Wednesday I popped into Mamas and Papas to look at their sheets, as they had been recommended by a friend.  The problem I had was that they had no waterproof mattress covers.  In fact, when I asked about them, the sales woman looked surprised I would even want them because ‘all of our mattresses are specially covered already.’  To which I replied ‘lovely, but I didn’t buy my mattress here.’  And promptly left.  So a web search for waterproof mattress covers sent me to: John Lewis.  Where I also found sheets.  So those were ordered on Wednesday.  They arrived today. WOW!

So within 5 days, I had everything left on my list for baby.

Now I just need to put the sheets and bumper on the cot and set up the Amby.

And have a baby. 🙂

Well, It Finally Happened…

I had to take off my rings.  They still come off and on, but are really tight and uncomfortable.  My claadagh ring will stay in my jewelery box for the duration, my wedding and engagement rings are on the necklace I always wear.  I now clang when I walk. 🙂

Bit of a eye opening moment when my 5 weeks left were reduced in about 3 in the mouthing of the sentence ‘come back in 2 weeks and about 10 days after that we’ll schedule your C Section.’ Gulp.

Has given me a little shove. Finally ordered sheets and the cot bumper (its one for newborns, that is breathable, so it will protect little heads but they can’t suffocate against it).  Amby cradle is on its way.

Still have to finish setting up the baby’s room, in terms of putting things like cotton wool and such on shelves!

Oh and packing the hospital bag.

But I have nothing else planned other than antenatal appointments, antenatal classes and a meeting with the solicitor about wills.

Bring on the baby!!

Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 35 Weeks

Dear Baby

Well, here we are. On Maternity Leave. And not a moment too soon!

Mummy is exhausted.  Even with a good nights sleep, she is tired by lunch time.  Today she has an antenatal appointment so she won’t get her nap this afternoon.  Too bad!

You are still being a very active baby.  Kicking me regularly at all hours of the day and night.  It is so lovely!

Every day Mummy does a little bit to get your room in order.  Today she ordered your Amby Cradle, so you’ll have some place to sleep in her and Daddy’s room.  Hopefully it will be here next week!

Tomorrow Mummy is pampering herself at a Day Spa.  Lots of beauty treatments scheduled.  She’s really looking forward to it.

Mummy was at the clinic today.  You are still measuring large for your dates.  OB said to Mummy ‘come back in 2 weeks.  We’ll probably schedule you for a C Section 10 days after that!!’

*GULP*  Suddenly your birth is imminent.  I mean, of course I knew it was coming.  I have been keeping track.  But those words just made it all seem so real.

And I.Can’t.Wait.



Simon Asked Me Two Questions This Week

that made me think.

  1. Knowing how much you’re not liking the 3rd trimester, do you appreciate your mum more for going through it?
  2. If you knew 7.5 months ago what you know now, would you still do this?

My first response to #1 was no, I didn’t.  And then I thought about it some more and realized, yeah, maybe I do.  Not because once upon a time she carried me in her tummy.  But because she’s never mentioned it.  Not that I would expect my mum to be moaning about something that happened nearly 41 years ago, but because it gives me hope that I really will forget how huge and uncomfortable and awful I feel once this baby is in my arms.  As unlikely as that seems right now.

As for #2…I honestly don’t know.  On the one hand, I am so in love with this baby already, I can’t wait to meet it and find out who it is.  And I love the feeling of it moving inside of me.  To the extent that I wonder how much I’ll miss that part of being pregnant once I have babe in arms.

On the other hand, I’m exhausted, I hurt, I’m out of balance, walking down the hall from the front room to the bedroom puts me out of breath.  I do not, for one second, regret having a baby.

But I sure am thinking awfully hard about ever doing this again.

Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 34 Weeks

Dear Baby

Truly in the home stretch now.  6 weeks to go.

Mummy is exhausted.  She is struggling through her last few days of work and cannot wait to be able to rest whenever she likes.

As Mummy has said before, she is really not enjoying be pregnant.  She loves feeling you move.  She loves when you kick so hard Daddy can feel you move as well.  She hates her achy bones and exhausted state of mind.  She feels totally incoherent most of the time.  And ancient.  And on the edge of tears.  Some say this is perfect practice for once you’re born.  I say that once you’re born, Daddy can stay up all night with you on occasion!!!

All this is leading to the fact that you just might be an only child.  On the one hand, Mummy has no problem with that.  There is nothing wrong with only children.

On the other hand, I’d hate for you to miss out on how great it is to have a sibling.  Your Uncle J and Mummy are very close, for example.  As are your cousins S and R.  Besides, who else can you gang up on your parents with?!? 🙂

Of course there is no decision here.  This is just Mummy complaining a bit and thinking a bit.  Everyone says I will forget how horrible I feel after you come.  Maybe they’re right?

This week you are growing like crazy.  You’re pretty much fully developed, just putting on fat and practicing breathing.  If, god forbid, you were born right now? You’d probably have very little if any problems.

Daddy and I have been attending Antenatal classes, learning about how you get out of me!  Daddy didn’t know a lot of this stuff and is wondering if he can bring his DS if this is going to take 30 hours! No, he may not!

What a long way we’ve come, my little love.  See you soon.



Piece of Advice

If you have a photo viewing programme, that you’ve decided to not use, and delete, do so.  Do not leave it un-upgraded for over a year.  You will be hacked.

Now you know why I had no blog today. was hacked.  The hosting company thought my dear brother, who is the webmaster around here, might be a phisher.  Which would have been more amusing if I hadn’t woken up to no blog or website this morning!!

All fixed now.

And Happy Mother’s Day US!