Another Worry Off My Mind

So Adam is thisclose to being to big for his Stage 0 car seat.

We don’t, of course, have a car.  Part of the reason we have the car seat we do is because it can fit into any car using the 3 point regular seat belt.  This was proven very successfully while we were in the US.

But what the hell were we going to do now? Granted, the law states that car seats don’t have to be used in taxis, but that’s because the taxi lobby (or whatever they call it in the UK) is so powerful.  A taxi is no safer than a regular car.

So we were in our local pram shop today, getting the ripped cover replaced on Adam’s pram, and I mentioned my concern to the lady.  She said, no worries, Maxi Cosi makes a Stage 1 that’s almost as easy to move from car to car as the Stage 0 you’re using now.  And she’s right.  And it isn’t even all that heavy.  Its not light, but it would be possible for me to hold Adam in one arm and carry the seat in the other, for short distances.  Such as to the Children’s Hospital for his surgery.

And the best part? Their price is the same as online.  So I can continue to give this shop with the great service my business.

So Adam’s next car seat, which I think we will order this week, will be the Maxi Cosi Pirori XP.  In grey.

Posted in Adam.

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