Would You Believe…

Adam is ill again? Fever, vomiting, diarrhoea (which I can never spell the first time). This included a lovely puke at 0023 this morning. Oh and a runny nappy around 0200.

I am really beginning to think he has an allergy. His eczema flairs horribly after he’s been playing outside. We spent quite a bit of time outside on Sunday. Sunday night his eczema was very bad in big patches. Monday morning the first fever appeared.

The GPs don’t seem to be listening to me when I enquire if this is more than just bad luck. I get knowing looks and metaphorical pats on the back when I suggest there might be a greater cause.

We will be seeing our Health Visitor on Friday for his 2 year check and I am going to see if she can get him referred to allergy or paediatrician or someone who can maybe run an allergy test or something and see if I am right.

Even if he’s too young for treatment, maybe we can adjust his diet or be ready to react when he’s been outside or something.

And if she can’t do anything? Mama Bear is going to come out at the GP next week.

The same Mama Bear who came out and insisted I get some tests and not just keep taking sleeping pills when I stopped sleeping about 4 years ago. The one who got me a diagnosis of Fibro and pain clinic management and acupuncture.

So watch out. Here she comes…

Posted in Adam, Being a Mummy and tagged .


  1. Go Robyn!!!!!!!!!!!!! He definitely needs to be checked out by a pediatrician and/or an allergist.

  2. If they dont listen maybe go to a private one and get the tests we did and were amazed at the results, i know my son (2) has a life threatening condition and severe heart disease amongst DS but every time he went Outside his skin was awful and i just knew hed get sick with temperatures ,ill , runny nose, clingy, and GP kept saying oh its viral!!!!!! He was allergic to many things Robyn and we can now adjust his lifestyle accordingly, i hope Adam gets better soon x

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