What Made Them Think Of It?

What made the first person who smoked a pipe think to a. create a pipe, b. dry some tobacco or herbs and c. put those dried herbs or tobacco into the pipe and light it on fire?

How did the first person who painted on a cave wall think to a. crush some berries or use the charred end of a stick to b. use the side of the cave as a canvas.

Was the first cooked meat an accident, or did someone stand in front of the fire, stare between the meat and the fire and decide to see what happened?

I wonder if we’ll ever be able to trace (time travel? maybe?) from the first moment that man walked erect to now, to me sitting in my nice comfortable flat, using the latest technology to type this to a bunch of strangers in the world, each advance.  Each EUREKA! moment.

I, of course, realize that that will probably never happen.  But what I hope our lack of understanding of man’s early years leads to is great record keeping.  So that in 10000000 years, the people of that time will know how they got from me sitting in my nice comfortable flat, using the latest technology to type this to a bunch of strangers in the world, to them, sitting where ever they sit, doing whatever they will be doing.  They should be able to track each EUREKA! moment, even if we can’t.

Posted in daily, Thoughts.


  1. I always wonder about cooking. Who thought lets grind some grain, add water and salt and yeast and make bread?

    Who discovered that eggs, flour, butter and sugar made cake?

  2. jesus byn, you have entirely too much time on your hands.

    did ya ever wonder (nod to andy rooney at 60 mins) why they’re called “strangers?” i prefer to consider them friends i just haven’t met yet!

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