Today Tops The Crappy Day List

I can’t talk in detail about part of it, because I don’t really know who reads this and who doesn’t and I don’t want to spread a certain item of news through my blog, but suffice it to say, its bad.  I’ve lost someone I’ve known for quite awhile (not a family member) who I was starting a new phase of our already wonderful friendship with.  It was very very sudden and very very unexpected.  Everyone who knew this person is in shock.  RIP my darling.  I’ll write about it more as I know the news has spread.

Then, Adam is ill.  He’s been running a fever off and on all day, topping out at 101 F.  That’s about 38 C.  For the record, body temp in C means nothing to me.  So our thermometer reads in F.

Finally, I’ve lost my wedding ring.  I don’t wear my rings around the house, since my hands are constantly being washed, sucked on, covered in poo, what have you.  So I take them off, slide them onto my watch band, secure the band and the whole caboodle goes in my jewellery box.  I was doing this after getting home this morning when I tripped.  And my rings went flying.  I found my engagement and my claddagh rings, but my wedding ring seems to have disappeared.  Simon and I are afraid it went flying out the open window, even though I am sure I heard three clangs as they hit the wood floor.  So we will keep looking.

And thus ends my crappy day and my not so great week.

Next week is bound to be better…right?

Posted in Adam, me.


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