The Whole MRI Story…

with the rush to get out the door for California, I never did post the whole story about the day of Adam’s MRI.  So here it is.

The morning was normal enough, although after 8am he wasn’t allowed anything but water.  This made him one  cranky boy off and on and a very cranky boy after 12 when he wasn’t allowed anything at all.  Very hard to explain nil by mouth to a 6 month old.

Just as we were getting ready to leave, I checked my mobile and found a voice mail.  It was from the hospital, about the MRI, no clue as to why.  So I rang up frantic, cursing the fact that maybe it had been cancelled.  Nope, just a confirmation call.  Whew.

His appointment was for 1400 and we were there by about 1345.  We only sat for a few moments before we were called back to meet with the first person, who check for allergies, weighed him and things like that.  Then we waited another 10 minutes or so for the anaesthesiologist.  He was very reassuring and said that in his many many years of experience not one of his patients have ever had an allergic reaction to the anaesthesia.

He also said that since Adam was so big that he would use the face mask, rather than a cannula.  I was so relieved to hear that as it mean the whole thing would be pain free for Adam.

After that we carried him back to the prep area.  I held him as they put the mask over his face.  He began to fuss and the anaesthesiologist said ‘let’s sing twinkle twinkle.’ and I shook my head at him and started to sing Hush Little Baby.  Adam began to calm down as the 6 people around us marvelled at my singing voice (um, really?) and said they’d like to record it to use in the future.  I believe I looked like this: O__0.  The anaesthesiologist then asked if it was Adam’s good night song, which it is.

About half way through the song they had me lift him onto the bed and ushered us out to wait.  They said it would be about 45 minutes.

So Simon and I waited.  We chatted.  We read trashy magazines.  I paced around.  Finally, they called us back.

He was lying in a recovery area with an oxygen mask next to him.  As much as I never want my baby to be under a general again? Him waking up from it was adorable!  Big yawns and rubbing of eyes.  And then crying with hunger.

They didn’t need the recovery area right away, so I got a bottle sorted and Simon fed him.  Of course, as always, I made a mess opening those darn premade cartons.  Never have managed to open one of those without spilling!

He finished the first one and we got him dressed.  I had been chatting with the radiologist who was monitoring him about what had caused The Lump.  I said that I was certain that they still wouldn’t be able to tell what it was from the MRI, like they couldn’t from the ultrasound.  The look they gave me said ‘oh I know what it is, but I can’t tell you.’

And then we were done and out the door.  We paused for a bit in the waiting area as he was still hungry and then headed home.

We were home around 1630 and the whole thing was over.

We find out what it is and what they want to do about it on 18th January.  Until then we just have to assume if it was something awful we would have been asked to come sooner.

So in two more weeks we’ll know.

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