So My Last Post Was About Pain

which I talk about a lot on here.  But I almost never mention the most frustrating part of fibro, which is the fog.

The fog is a condition where your brain is, simply, foggy.  This leads to aphasia or partial and total language impairment.  Well, technically, partial is dysphasia, but it is rarely used that way these days.

Anyway, it is incredibly frustrating.  It means you cannot, for the life of you, think of words.  Sunday it took me at least 30 seconds to come up with the word screwdriver.  Today it was about 20 minutes until I could tell Simon I thought Adam should have rice cakes for snack. Rice cake was the impossible word. I wound up pointing at them instead.

I don’t know if anyone who has never had this can understand how it feels and how frustrating it is. You know the word, really you do, but it just won’t come out of your mouth.  It feels, sort of, like a block on  your brain.

For someone like me, who revels in words, in writing, in speaking, it’s my worst fear realized.  It’s what I imagine dementia must feel like in some ways.  Knowing you know something but it just won’t come to the front of your head.

In any case, this has been a particularly bad week for it for some reason.  I haven’t been getting enough rest, but I never do, so I don’t know why it’s so much worse this week. But it is.

I’d tell you more…but I’ve forgotten the words! 🙂

Posted in Fibro.

One Comment

  1. Like I said to you somewhere else, unfortunately I so know what fibrofog is:O)

    Fibrofog is the perfect description and I *totally* agree it is the most frustrating part of fibromyalgia. In my case I find it is directly related to the amount of sleep I have had the night before rather than cumulative fatigue so you can imagine what I was like in Africa where I averaged 6 hours of sleep a night. My fellow travelers were really surprised to learn that I didn’t have a stutter. When I’m really exhausted I have trouble getting sentences out not just words!

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