So Frustrated

So one of the things I have to do, because I’m on insulin and its new to me, is call the Diabetes Clinic every day to go over my numbers with them.

And we can’t seem to get my levels where they want them.  They are much better than they were, but my fasting numbers are still too high.  It is very frustrating.  I know I am eating what I am suppose to eat, i.e. within my carb range, but my insulin resistance seems to be increasing.

That isn’t unusual for a Diabetic Mommy to have this problem.  But its just one more thing to worry about.

I’m also a little worried because I am not gaining any weight.  Now there’s a worry I never thought I’d have!  I know part of it is that I was overweight to begin with and with my strict diet I am eating better than I ever have, but it is still a worry.  All the books say not to sweat it, that many women don’t gain weight their first trimester, but its just another thing to worry about.

So today’s key words are worried and depressed.  Maybe I should go take a bath.

Man, this mommy stuff is hard!  But, I am sure, will all be worth it in the end.

Posted in daily, Mental Illness, Pregnancy.


  1. really don’t sweat the weight. granted, i’m a lot bigger than you are, but i only gained 9 pounds in the first 32 weeks of my pregnancy, most of that past week 20. (then, all weight issues got spazzed by the pre-eclampsia, so it doesn’t compute as well.)
    all pregnancy is high risk; the insulin thing is a bear, and yet another thing to worry about, but it will be worth it!
    you get to be co-pregnant with dooce! that’ll keep you laughing. 🙂

  2. One of my coworkers who had her daughter a month before mine told me that because of the GD, she actually weighed less after she delivered than she had been pre-pregnancy. Don’t sweat it! 🙂

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