You probably only get my title if you are my father (hi dad) or if you know anything about old Vaudeville Comedy.  Here’s the joke:

Funny Man:  I really miss my girl, we had a big fight.

Straight Man: You really should kiss and make up!

Funny Man: MAKE UP!! (hits the Other Man with a big powder puff of powder)

The old jokes are the best.

Anyway, I am in the process of changing Make Up (MAKE UP! POOF!) brands.  I usually use Benefit, which I really really like, but it is really really expensive and we are trying to watch our spending right now.  So I went to Boots during the week and picked out a few things to try. (Let me just note here, for the record, that I bought 2 powders and 3 foundations for about £25.00.  *One* item of Benefit is usually about £23.00).

And the winner? Mabeline (can you hear Simon singing their theme in the background there?) Minerals *rock*.  I have my new foundation brand.

In other shopping news, bought some stuff today.  Jeans, undies, PJs and some stuff for the house.  And had two really great moments.

The first was when I was in Boots (again, I swear I spend more money in that store…) and was wandering the make up (MAKE UP!! POOF!) aisle again.  I turned the corner and there was this older couple, probably late 50s, early 60s, standing by the cheaper brands of perfume.  And the husband kept grabbing the bottles and spraying his wife with them when she wasn’t looking.  She was giggling like a school girl.  I said “You have to watch him every minute, don’t you?” “Yes, yes I do.”

Then I was in New Look, looking for shirts (sidebar:  I am not living in Victoria London, why do all the ‘work’ tops this season have lace and flounce and stuff? YUCK!).  I was walking towards a woman with a baby buggy and two other school aged children.  She was off to one side, organizing her various packages.  A box she was trying to get into a bag flew out of her hands and she instantly grabbed it.  “Nice catch!” I said to her.  “Thanks,  you get used to that sort of thing when you have three kids!”

So bits of human contact in the middle of my shopping.  It was nice.

What is *not* nice are the self checkouts Tesco at City Centre has installed, rather than have enough cashiers on duty.  We made it through using one, but it was very annoying.

And, finally, Simon and I watched Stargate SG-1 Arc of the Truth last night.  And at one point Cam says to Sam “Do you want to sit in the big chair?” and she replies “Nope, but I’ve got your back!”  And Simon and I agreed that we could totally hear my sister in law, B, saying that to someone.  It was very B. (sidebar:  We’ve been calling her B for much longer than Faith called Buffy that.  Like the whole time she’s been married to my brother, which is somewhere around 16 years this June).

Posted in daily.

One Comment

  1. Ok….well it took me a bit to find the reference…but now that I have….how nice. You betcha baby! I’ll always have your back!

    much love and smooches.


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