Letter To My Son – Adam – 4 Months Old

Dear Adam

Today you are 4 months old.  I was hoping to say that you managed to stay out of A&E for this entire month but, alas, it is not to be.  You were there just after your second set of jabs to have your lump investigated.  You can read the whole story of that here.

This has been quite the month otherwise as well.  You’ve been laughing up a storm, really starting to sleep through the night and even thinking very hard about rolling over.  Your Daddy and I can just tell!

What we’ve learned this month:

  1. You love sitting up.  The bumbo is great for that: –
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  3. You have started drooling.  A lot.  But still no signs of teeth.
  4. If Mummy thinks you are too tired and doesn’t sing to you, you won’t go to sleep until she does.
  5. You hate wearing a hat. Even though you look so cute in one
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  7. You can take your dummy out of your mouth.  We are just waiting for you to be able to put it back in!
  8. The best toy in the world? Daddy’s fingers: –
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Winter is rapidly moving in here in Belfast, so mummy is getting ready to move you into a more sit up version of your pram.  You see, that version has a warm sleeping bag like thing that attaches to it, so you’ll be very snuggly warm this winter.  Also, you are definitely ready to be able to look around as we go about our day.

Mummy was recently diagnosed to fibromyalgia, so, once again, she has to ask for your patience.  She might not be able to be as active as you as you get older as some mummies can be, since she hurts quite a lot.

But she promises she will always be there to hold you, or pick you up, no matter what.



Posted in Adam, daily, Fibro, Letters.

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