Dear Baby
One Month Left. 🙂
Have been very busy getting your room ready. Your clothes are almost all washed and put away. The bumper is on your cot. The sheets will be on tomorrow or Thursday for sure.
You are being a major wiggle worm, constantly stretching and moving in my tummy. Its so nice to feel. It lets Mummy know that you are okay in there.
Mummy has been sleeping very well, which is a nice change from normal! I think it helps that I have no real stress at the moment. The lack of going to work is ace!
Daddy totally charmed Mummy this week when he was helping out taking your laundry out of the dryer. Cries of ‘Oooh little socksies!’ was just wonderful!
Mummy didn’t see the doctor today, so she’s not exactly sure how big you are now. She knows you were 6lbs last week, she imagines you’re even bigger this week.
Next Tuesday she’ll see the OB again, and quite possibly have your eviction date. How exciting!