Dear Baby
Well, here we are. On Maternity Leave. And not a moment too soon!
Mummy is exhausted. Even with a good nights sleep, she is tired by lunch time. Today she has an antenatal appointment so she won’t get her nap this afternoon. Too bad!
You are still being a very active baby. Kicking me regularly at all hours of the day and night. It is so lovely!
Every day Mummy does a little bit to get your room in order. Today she ordered your Amby Cradle, so you’ll have some place to sleep in her and Daddy’s room. Hopefully it will be here next week!
Tomorrow Mummy is pampering herself at a Day Spa. Lots of beauty treatments scheduled. She’s really looking forward to it.
Mummy was at the clinic today. You are still measuring large for your dates. OB said to Mummy ‘come back in 2 weeks. We’ll probably schedule you for a C Section 10 days after that!!’
*GULP* Suddenly your birth is imminent. I mean, of course I knew it was coming. I have been keeping track. But those words just made it all seem so real.
And I.Can’t.Wait.