Dear Baby
Well, Mummy is deep into the 3rd trimester now and is very very tired, very very achy and still feeling very sad. Thinking about you, and feeling you move, is making her feel better all the time, though.
I got to see you today at my Antenatal appointment. Very blurry, but I could see you have a nose! Which is good, noses are very important!
Mummy has also decided to really try to go off her meds now. She has been weaning herself off of them and not sleeping too badly when she doesn’t take one. Considering that I wake up several times a night anyway, when you roll over onto my bladder, the meds just don’t make enough of a difference to keep up the risk to you. So I am going off of them.
According to the book, your brain is getting more and more active. Don’t know what you have to think about, but you’re thinking about it! You are about 27.5 cms, and according to the scan today, you weigh about 4 lbs. I really want to know how they can tell that by a 2d scan!!
Mummy only has about 3.5 weeks of work left and then she’s off for a whole year. She is very much looking forward to her year with you. Just me and my baby! (that’s you. 🙂 )
Only 9 weeks to go.