Dear Baby
This week has not been easy for Mummy. She’s been feeling very poorly and kind of ‘off’. Sniffles and total exhaustion. And she is still waiting for her 2nd trimester burst of energy. Since she is 2 weeks from being in the third trimester, I don’t think she’s going to get it.
This week you are about 19 cm long and weigh about 460g. A whole pound!!! You now have eyebrows and you are certainly moving around a lot in there!
You are most active over Mummy’s lunchtime, so around 11:30 – 1:30. Mummy is hoping this means you will sleep well at night once you are born, but she can find nothing to support this theory! Guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Although she rarely, if ever, feels you move after dinner or during the night. Unlike your Aunt A’s baby, who is due around the same time you are. Aunt A’s been getting woken up at night. I appreciate you not doing that!
Daddy is waiting very anxiously to feel you move. So if you could kick Mummy harder, he’d appreciate that!
22 weeks gone…18 weeks to go.