It Finally Occured to Me

that my nausea might be caused by high blood glucose levels.  So I tested my blood last night specifically when I was nauseous.  Nope, not the cause.  Perfectly normal.

I don’t test very often.  I don’t really see the point for a non-medicated Type II diabetic.  I do a 24 hour profile once in awhile, but other than that? Not so much.

You see, the true reason to test your blood is to see if you need insulin or to eat something.  I don’t take insulin.  So what is the point of constantly checking my BGL?

I know my A1C, which is 6.6.  And that is truly the important number.  That’s the average blood levels for the last 6 weeks, from my last appointment with the Clinic.

But at least I know that’s not why I’m getting so much nausea.  If only I knew why I *was* getting so much nausea.  And, no, I’m not pregnant.  For sure.

Posted in daily, Diabetes.

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