I Was *So* Aware I Have A Uterus…

So yesterday was the fateful day that I had my Mirena Coil inserted.

I had been booked into my GP’s office to do it a month ago but there was a problem: I need a pap smear and Chlamydia swab first, which my GP didn’t realize when she referred me to the practice female health expert.

During those procedures, that doctor decided my cervix was too movable for her to be comfortable inserting the coil, so she referred me to the Family Planning Clinic at City Hospital, as they do it with a local anaesthetic, which the GP’s office doesn’t have.

And so I went yesterday. And I was really nervous. I have no idea why, as smears don’t bother me, but something about this was making me quake in my boots.

But the staff at City Hospital FPC were fantastic. So much so that I am probably going to write a letter of praise, even though, in my usual brain dead fashion, I’ve forgotten their names.

I told the nurse, as she was doing blood pressure, weight and height, how nervous I was and she told the doctor and they both were so gentle and understanding and careful and explained everything as they went. It took forever (or so it seemed) including the doctor having to find a different something or other because the one she had wasn’t working properly and the nurse held my hand and kept me chatting.

Once it was over and I was sent on my way I was, as it says in the title, so aware I had a uterus, which I said to my husband on the phone as I headed back to the bus.

But by bedtime the cramps had stopped and I was no longer aware I have uterus.

So that’s birth control for me for the next 5 years.

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  1. Ok this might be a really dumb questiOn but do you still get a period with this? How did you decide to go for this method, if you don’t mind me asking?

  2. Anna

    Some people do, some people don’t. It depends on the person. Vague enough?

    My GP and I decided it was best as the pill was giving me migraines (although beta blockers seemed to have helped with those) but at the same time having no hormonal BC seems to make my Fibro worse. The Mirena has a very very low dose (about 1/4) of hormones compared to the mini-pill.

    Talk to your GP!


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