I Think The Hardest Part of Being So Big

here in my 3rd Trimester is not the aches or the tiredness, those are normal for me.

Its losing my sense of balance.

I spent 20 years of my life, off and on, training for ballet.  Granted, that was about 20 years ago, but I never really lost my sense of my own balance.  Until now.  I have to think before I move to see if I am centred so I don’t fall over!! Its very disconcerting.

So how big am I?

30 weeks


Posted in bump picture, daily, Pregnancy.


  1. But still smiling!
    Yeah, shorter friends esp. have said they have tons of bruises during 3rd trimester because their center of gravity is so off. I carried very “in” because of a long distance between my pelvis and rib cage, so didn’t get this until the very end. (Well, and I’m used to being really big, so it wasn’t as much of a difference!)
    So excited for you…keep resting, putting those feet up and drinking. Things can just stretch out until birth time, or change suddenly. Just go with the flow, and realize however it happens, you win because you get BABY!

  2. 30 weeks eh? not long now – this is really the final hurdle..
    Will speed up now until the last two or three weeks when it seems like time is standing still 😉

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