I Remember, When My Sister in Law

Was pregnant with her oldest daughter, my niece S, she called in to work one day asking if anyone had gotten the license plate of the truck that hit her.  When she returned to work, someone had drawn her a picture of a license plate with the word ‘baby’ as the plate number.

I wonder if she still has that and if she’d send it to me.  Because the same truck seems to have hit me yesterday and today.  Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow, because I have a huge meeting on Friday to prepare for!

No one tells you how much pregnancy truly sucks.  You’re tired.  You ache.  You feel sick.  You pee all.the.time.  Add getting used to insulin and new Blood Glucose levels on top of that? Yeah, work just not happening today.

I’m thinking about writting a petition to the government.  I will propose that women get to start their maternity leave from the moment that little stick says pregnant and get to stay on it until the kid starts full time school.  At full pay.  With your job held until you want to come back.

Anyone want to sign my petition?

Posted in daily, Diabetes, Pregnancy.


  1. Just keep telling yourself the important thing: You. Are. Going. To. Have. A. Baby.

    A real live BABY! All yours and Simon’s!

    It’s suckiness with a definite goal at the other end, rather than suckiness for the sake of suckiness.

  2. i’ll sign! i didn’t even have what was considered a “hard” pregnancy until the end, and it felt hard enough to me. i slept every prep. period (40 minutes at a time) that i had in my first trimester…even the half hour naps help. when people reminisce and say “oh, i felt amazing during pregnancy…it’s the best i ever felt!” i first apologize that they must feel shitty now! 🙂
    the thing that i couldn’t believe no one talked about was, excuse my scatology, the sh!t! fiber and colace were my constant friends during pregnancy, and whenever i asked, people were like “oh yeah! i remember now…going to the bathroom was an epic challenge!” you think that advice on regularity would be first order of business. 🙂
    it does get better…second trimester is either you get used to fatigue, or you actually get used to being pregnant. 🙂

  3. I definitely felt better my 2nd trimester. Less likely to fall asleep at the drop of a hat, and not sick. It does get better. And if it doesn’t, it does end eventually. 🙂

    But 12 weeks off here in the states is just not enough. I hope you have a better option in Ireland.

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