I Never Write About Celebrities On Here

There are plenty of blogs who do that.

And I never grieve when a celebrity dies.  I didn’t know them, why grieve?  I feel bad for their families, but you will never find me crying over a celebrity death.

But John Hughes’ death I am grieving over.

Not just because it means part of my teenagehood just died.  Not really.  But because of what that part of my teenagehood meant to me.

I was, to put it midly, a disturbed teenager.  Angry, anxious, obnoxious.  Rude, sarcastic.  Mean.  Horrible to my parents, my siblings.  To everyone.

But sit down and watch a John Hughes flick? And it all went away.  In his movies the geek was cool.  The not so popular girl got the big footballer player as her boyfriend.  The cool car was available for driving.  Pure 100% escapism for all of us angsty teenagers.

There is a reason the Brat Pack did so well.  And, in some cases, are still doing so well.  They spoke to us.  Through John Hughes’ words and direction they were us.  Doing what we did. Or wished we could do.

Go to YouTube and you’ll see what I mean.  Since his death was annouced there have been 100s of tribute videos posted.  With snippets of his movies. With stills.  With the music. He touched a generation.

My generation.

RIP Mr John Hughes.  Your legacy will live forever.

Excuse me now.  I have to go put every movie he ever made on my LoveFilm list now.

Posted in Thoughts.

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