I Am In A Mood

There are several things I don’t normally discuss; politics, religion and feminism being the top 3.

But I am 100% tired of people using feminism as an excuse to hate men or sex or the sexualization of women or whatever the hell it is this week.

Hooters has come to the UK/Europe. And people are appalled. Those poor, downtrodden women, showing their boobs.

Hello? Is someone forcing them to work there? Is Hooters part of the slave trade and no one knows?

Of course not.

But to the militant feminists as soon as you show some cleavage or enjoy an occasional wolf whistle you must be a sexist or anti-feminism.

I am neither.

However, I also do not want to be equal. I am a member of the superior gender and know it. I am a cis female 100% and love being such a person. Why would I want to lower myself to the level of men? (I don’t hate men, either. I love men. My husband is a man. Some day my son will be one as well.)

I like being whistled at. I like being admired.

True, I don’t wear make up all that often or anything other than jeans. But that has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with lifestyle and choice.

Our ancestors fought for equal rights so that I can be the kind of woman I am. And so you can be the kind of woman you are.

Just like our ancestors fought for the right for us to choose not to vote.

Same thing.

So you cower in the corner and be offended by sexuality in public.

I’ll stand over here and enjoy it.

Posted in Thoughts.

One Comment

  1. There was a kerfuffle recently in my Chicago-adjacent town about a Hooters-like sports bar called The Tilted Kilt. Predictably, the servers wear naughty school girl-ish white tie tops and short plaid skirts.

    Despite the liquor licence application being brought by a respected local business man with a spotless 28 year record at his other restaurants, petitions started almost immediately on both sides. Those in favor naturally cited job creation, filling a space in the middle of downtown that’s been vacant for 2 years, etc. etc.

    And the other side? It’s a “breastarant”(!) that will corrupt our delicate youth with their nearly nude servers. The horror! Because they’ll never see anything like that on the Internet, of course!!!!

    Being a feminist, I naturally don’t want anyone objectified especially gratuitously, but honestly? This is not slave labor. If they don’t agree with the uniform, they don’t have to work there. With our unemployment rates, there are plenty of others to hire.

    And if a local citizen doesn’t like the uniforms the servers wear? DON’T SPEND YOUR MONEY THERE.
    Concerned about the impact on your kids? TEACH THEM.

    The liquor license application? Denied by the mayor. She totally caved to public “morality” pressure. I was really disappointed actually. I would have enjoyed hearing people say “oh, it’s not that bad” after it opened.

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