I am not blaming the people who are tired of same old same old and voted directly for Trump. I get it. I do. I don’t agree. But I can understand where you’re coming from.
I am blaming all of the people who said ‘HRC is worse than DT’ and split the vote.
You have allowed a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, asshole of the highest order become the President of the United States. You handed him the election.
::slow clap::
Well done. Assholes.
And fuck you all to hell.
(Feature image via Women Against UKIP )
So am I. And I am way to the right of you. Yet I am just as angry.
Erica Duffy liked this on Facebook.
I am scared of the Weeping Angel
Worse. Weeping 3 story statue!!!
Only 3 stories? I always imagine it bigger than that.
America blinked.
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