Hey! Thanks For The Blog Post Topic!

Due to a variety of stupid (a word I never use, but this was) and asinine posts on Mumsnet last night, my Twitter feed exploded.

A new member of the Mumsnet bloggers network decided she needed to introduce herself by announcing that everyone of course knew who she was (never heard of her) and that she’d be happy to help all us poor, new, ignorant bloggers learn how to blog. O_o

It didn’t go down well and I started the push back.Ā  She got my back up. And I said so. I didn’t call her names. I didn’t do anything but be my usual honest self.

And then the Twitter attack followed. I had hidden the thread because once the arguments start going in circles I get bored and move on and yet her and her followers decided to take the conversation to another medium. And attack me. I have been called a bully, told I should be ashamed of myself and other things.

I went to bed. I did say I wouldn’t remember any of this by today, which of course was hyperbole to show how much I didn’t care. And I don’t care.

But one person’s form of attack was to Tweet that someone should teach me how to add pictures and a ‘good header’ to my site. And that made me laugh (have you heard of my company? No? Designed To A Tee? We do graphics. Including internet ones. I own it.).

Anyway, that one I responded to. Because while pictures are nice, they are hardly required. Oh and I like the design of my blog. Or I’d change it.

And I was told blogs need pictures.

Okay then. Tell me…what picture would you use when writing about fibro? Or diabetes? Or Depression? Or this post right here?

Writing about my son? Okay, maybe a picture would be nice. But I don’t just write about my son.

I write about me. And sometimes me is not graphical.

Even if I am a graphic artist.

PS I have asked MNHQ for some clarification as to what the network is for. I thought it was for the MN community along with some ‘famous’ bloggers to give it umph. I didn’t know they were inviting random bloggers to join. I haven’t heard anything back yet, but I may be dropping off the network as it is apparently not what I thought it was. I also may not. I’ll keep you posted.

Posted in Designed To A Tee, Thoughts.


  1. I think you’ll find that, because you launched an unnecessary attack on Nickie, that’s why people have questioned you, actually.
    Your attitude was that because you clearly don’t get UK humour/sarcasm, that it was fine to be rude and make sweeping accusations.

    The whole thread, the bits joined in by Mumsnet trolls jumping on the band wagon which you stoked in the first place, was a disgrace- I myself started to receive anonymous (very brave) comments on my blog, and at Twitter.

    I’ve blogged since 2006- that doesn’t make me better than you, or worse. And Nickie is a blogger who goes out her way to help others, so was justified in that statement. (My layout for example, which someone saw fit to stamp all over on that thread last night, and anonymously at my blog too).

    Mumsnet may be a bit less formal than other sites, but that is no excuse for the vitriol expressed over there. Its a wonder anyone new ever joins.

    You have a right to your opinion- I would question however the whys and hows of how its expressed.

    And, as for never hearing of Nickie- one of your statements was that you felt you blog was better know- nope. If you run a design company, I would expect your blog to be an online “shop window” for your abilities- this just looks like s standard wordpress theme to me.

  2. Hey, I laughed when I read about you being taught how to add pictures, haha

    your blog, YOUR blog – have it how you want it

    and I feel the same about the MN blog network,..

  3. I have to say I genuinely spurted tea over my keyboard when I saw the tweet suggesting you needed more pictures on your site.

    Just what the internet needs- more pictures.

    Keep up the good work; content is king.

  4. I think anyone can apply to the MN Bloggers’ Network. Yesterday’s thread got completely out of control, and I am sure that no-one on it, yourself included, is as awful as they appeared. It did appear though like a ganging up on the new girl thing we have all experienced at school. It was not a nice thread to watch develop at all. BUT posts on the web are often misconstrued and it is sometimes hard to see the sarcasm, irony or humour behind a post.

  5. Fair play to you Robyn, you come across exactly like you do on Typecasts Mumsnet thread on your own blog, so it’s evident you’re not playing a character on the forum like so many do.

    I’m baffled- Mumsnet actively recruited people from the parent blogging community to join the Mumsnet blog network, and existing members seemed to get all huffy and start calling people cunts? What’s all that about?

    I imagine you’re of an age with me if you started computing in the days of tape decks, ever have a ram wobble pack on a ZX81? You should by now know that flame wars are pointless and that sounding off and being rude to people through accounts that are linked to a business you operate can be counter productive. I remember seeing a chap on a forum with 100,000+ members basically run his business into the ground by offending so many people that nobody wanted to buy stuff from him any more.

    Anyway, having seen the mumsnet forums now, I’ll not be proceeding with my application, even though mumsnet have been pushing it hard over twitter for the last month or so. Since you linked to your blog, I thought I’d come here and make my point, hopefully in a respectful manner.


  6. Actually, reading on further, it seems that the rather scary 20somethingmum appeared. She’s been booted off more forums than I’ve been a member of šŸ™‚

  7. She got your back up?
    Now you got mine up.

    1. Your first reaction so you are not actually a member of Mumsnet?! and so what? it is for bloggers not only mumsnetters and if the admins allowed her to join then so be it

    2. Entrance = boasting?!! no boasting there, just personality

    3. LOOK AT ME I’M HERE AND I’LL TEACH YOU ALL ABOUT BLOGGING SINCE YOU ARE NOT AS GREAT AS ME!!!! Complete OTT was not like this at all It was OMG after all the hassle I have been through I am finally a member of the site Oh and I can help out a bit too if you like.

    4. No way to ignore individual posters I though you would know – Not attacking? Friendly?

    5. You should be ashamed you called her a C*** Of course now you can say I didn’t it was removed proving it wasn’t appropriate at all

    6. The rest of the thread isn’t worth commenting on becuase then you and other mumsnetters just proceeded to pull apart other bloggers blogs and personalities thus drawing away from your orignal problem the way she entered the forum = ATTACK

    7.Hope all the people who got messages deleted by Mumsnet also get banned.

    8. Why oh why devote a whole thread to such rubbish, ok she annoyed you just say it nicely and move on (by the way it wasnt said nicely in the first place thus aggravating OP)

    9. Inviting random bloggers!!! So obviously you do see Mumsnet bloggers as a different type!

    10. I was on Mumsnet, left for the same reason as all this, posted an opinion and got called every name under the sun, told I was a rubbish mum and shouldn’t have children. Really quite upset me, so don’t hang round anymore. Why back now? Because I think something should be done, in a business, school any where else this kind of behaviour would not be tolerated so Why is Mumsnet letting it go ?

  8. Just for the record, I didn’t call *anyone* any names and certainly not a cunt. Wasn’t me.

  9. This isn’t my business blog, this is my personal blog. My business blog is linked to on my blogroll. It’s a continuing work in progress that I haven’t had time to do anything with in a while because I am too busy working for people who pay me!

  10. I’m here because “Tee” apologised for her abrupt posting towards me last night via the MN messaging service.

    I would like to point out that Tee is not one of the people who used the unnecessary language on that thread. We have spoken about our exchange last night, agreed that we have differing opinions and are being adult enough to agree to move on. “Onwards and upwards” we said.

    I would also like to respond to this post and a couple of comments, if I may?

    I didn’t expect everyone to know who I was. I believed I was introducing myself on a blogging forum to other bloggers, not (as it now appears) on a section of the main MN forum. That is something that needs to be addressed by MN and I cannot take responsibility for.

    I did not request that ANYWHERE that anyone follow me to the forum, defend me, seek out contributors to the forum on twitter or their blog and attack them. I despise bullying in any form, even moreso after I was bullied yesterday. I simply laid out the facts for all to see and allowed them to make up their own minds. I do not control what people do beyond that. As has been mentioned on a number of occasions, we are adults and in charge of our own behaviour. Some have more control that others.

    I am no “character” – what you see is what you get with me. My OP is very reflective of how I am on my blog and in real life.

    MN are massively at fault here, opening their doors to all and sundry, especially if that’s what the existing membership do not want.

  11. Hey sweetie.

    We’ve known each other for what…going on 7-8 years now? Not having seen any of the actual kerfuffle, but having seen some of the fallout on Twitter, I just wanted to say, I’m on your side. You have always been one to speak your mind, directly and pointedly. And while we both can have strong opinions about things, I’ve never seen you as being anything other than completely respectful, even when speaking your mind and trying to make a point. Perhaps your directness confuses people into thinking it’s rudeness, but I’ve never known you to resort to name calling or personal attacks. And everything I’ve seen of your responses have been made in a spirit of defending yourself. If people are taking that defense personally, that’s not your problem. You’ve never been one to tolerate backpedalling when you’ve called someone out either. You’re a lot like me. You want people to take responsibility for their own actions and responses. And if a spade is a spade, you’re going to call it a spade.

    You didn’t ask for any help or request any critique that would make your blog better. I would have been insulted as well if someone came into my blog home and told me how I could “make things better”. Unsolicited help like that I find to be very rude and insulting. What gives anyone the right to critique your home? It’s as if they came into your house and told you how they could help you redesign your own home to make it more accommodating to outsiders’ tastes.

    Having done professional web design for a living for about a decade before I moved to my current location, I can honestly say, I like your blog design. It’s clean and neat. Very navigable. Easy to find and read things. I like it. It’s not busy with photos and other graphics and bling, which I feel can clutter blogs up to the point of overwhelming the content. You’ve got a simple photo of yourself holding the sprout. And I think that’s enough.

    On to another line of thinking, regarding the personal family photos. My sister, who has 3 children, has been very tentative about publicly posting any photos of herself or their family, because who knows what kinds of things people can get up to if they are able to identify you and/or your children. Call that paranoia, but I agree with her. You post public photos of your family on a blog that anyone can see, you make yourself that much more vulnerable.

    I don’t see anything wrong with the way you’re running your blog, or anything that needs help.

    *hugs* I got your back.


  12. I don’t know if anyone is reading my replies to the comments, but I did want to add, to the person who is simply ‘guest’;

    I almost didn’t approve your comment. I hate anonymous commenters. It is cowardly. Stand behind your posts and at least use a name of some sort. Then I approved it because, as I said to Nickie, I only don’t approve SPAM and the one guy who tried to use my blog for his own political soapbox.

    The rest of you can say whatever you want. šŸ™‚

  13. Hi Tee,
    Didn’t see the threads on Twitter, but I LIKE your blog format because it doesn’t have a huge banner on top and tons of pictures and ads that clutter everything up and slow down page loading. I’ve passed by many interesting sites because they were just too “much.” I read blogs that are well-written, well presented and have intersting content. Pictures are OK in small doses, but if I wanted that, I’d crack open a picture book.

  14. Alex- actually, if you would like to get your facts in order, no, I haven’t been removed from a number of forums. One, in fact, taking quite a number of members with me. And considering the recent backlash regarding other unfair bannings from that forum, I feel I’m justified in thinking it a poorly run, money driven enterprise.
    I actually don’t generally bother with forums as my blog doesn’t need the limited amounts of traffic these generate. I do very well by myself, hence my MADS finalist place this year.
    Just to clear that up.

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