Hand Update…

Well, went to the GP yesterday to have the hand looked at.

Was a GP I’ve never seen before and I was a bit O_o when she said ‘It might need to be sutured. I can’t do that, so let’s see what the treatment room nurses think.’ She can’t suture? Really? I would think that would be a basic thing a person would learn in medical school. But I could be wrong.

In any case, went to the treatment room and waited. Not too long, for once. They use a ‘take a number’ system and I was 35 and they had just called 32 as I sat down.

Anyway, first nurse looks at it and disappears. About 5 minutes later I hear ‘Yes, it needs to be re-bandaged and maybe sutured, can you do it?’ So first nurse apparently not able to suture either.

Second nurse comes in and takes a look. ‘Oh, excellent job with the steri-stips, Robyn. I’ll just get more bandages and more strips, Robyn….here we go, Robyn…’ You get the idea. I wanted to say to her ‘Yeah, I know my name, thanks.’

In any case, no sutures, just more steri-strips, an antibacterial bandage to be on the safe side and some waterproof strapping/bandaging. She offered to put it in a sling so I could milk it a bit, but I declined. 🙂

She also suggested that if being a graphic artist didn’t work out, I could be a nurse, based on my steri-stripping ability. Ok.

So the bandages come off on Sunday and the steri-strips to stay on until they fall off. It mostly feels okay, although pushing the pram with it today hurt. I was going to try to do some stuff while Adam slept today but I’ve decided to just rest instead.

So since we’ve moved into the house 3 weeks ago, Adam has had D&V for 2 weeks and now I’ve given myself a lovely scar across my palm.

And we’re still not unpacked…

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