Letter to My Baby – Adam – 1 Month Old

Dear Adam

Today you are one month old.  Its been quite a month, my son.  You spent the first week and 3 days in the SCBU getting your breathing straightened out.  Then you came home to mummy, daddy, grandma and pops.


Then a week ago today Mummy dropped you on your head and you spent another 2 nights in hospital.  Mummy will never be able to tell you how sorry she is that that happened.  She doesn’t even exactly know how it happened.  One second you were safe in her arms, the next you were flying through the air and hitting the floor, with her screaming your name.  It turned out that you cracked your skull.  Just a small fracture that did no other damage, but the sentence Daddy and I never want to hear again is: ‘The good news is his ribs are fine, the bad is that he cracked his skull.’  We both thought we would throw up right there in the cubicle at the A&E.

But after two nights observation in hospital and a set of full body XRays you were announced right as rain!  And Daddy and I were so glad you were home.


You also had your SCBU follow up this past week and were officially discharged from their care.  Your lungs and your heart are perfectly fine.

The other exciting thing that happened was the birth of your younger cousin.  Aidan was born 3 weeks and 3 days after you, so you can lord that over him as much as you like. 🙂

Mummy and Daddy have been having so much fun learning about you.  About how it takes you a good 10 minutes to wake up.  About how you like to play with your bottle for awhile before actually swallowing any of it.  About how you really hate getting your nappy changed 99% of the time.  About how you enjoy a hair wash, up to a point, but hate a full body wash.


About how you love being swaddled.  And we are learning more things about you every day.

The adventure that is your life is just beginning, my son.  And I can’t wait to watch it unfold.

I love you.


Letter to My Baby – Adam Jacob – Now 4 Days Old

Note: This is a letter I started the day after he was born and added to a bit every day while I was in the hospital.

12th June 2009

Dear Adam

Yesterday you were born.  I was one of the happiest days of my life, tied with the day I married your father.

You were born at 10:36am at the maternity hospital here in Belfast.  You weighed 8lbs 10oz.  My big boy!  You were born with quite a bit of darkish hair.  Your eyebrows and eyelashes are so faint and blond, just like your Daddy’s.

As I write this I don’t know what colour your eyes are as you haven’t opened them.  You see, you are a little ill, having some trouble breathing so you are not with me, you’re down in the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) on oxygen and in an incubator so you are nice and warm.

The doctors are hopeful that you will be out in just a few days.

It was so hard for Mummy when they took you away.  She was still under a spinal block from the CS that delivered you so she was stuck in bed, not even able to lift you out of your cot without help and they took you away.  She knows it was for the best, to get you the best care and get you well, but she was still very sad.

At first they let you stay in Mummy’s room in an incubator, but eventually they moved you to SCBU.  As soon as the doctors let them, Mummy and Daddy went down to see you.  They got to talk to you and touch you.  Mummy was in a wheelchair, but she was determined!!

Today Mummy should be back on her feet.  And she will spend as much time with you as possible, as will Daddy.

Granny and Granda will be here tomorrow as they can only see you on the weekends.

Mummy is recovering well, but will be in hospital until at least Sunday.  She’s praying that you will get to come home with her, but the doctors don’t know yet.

Things I already know about you:

When your allowed to sleep on your side, you tuck your hands under your face, just like Mummy.  When you cry, which hasn’t been often so far, a hand on your tummy seems to calm you down.  And so far you seem very even tempered.

Your name, as you know, is Adam Jacob.  Adam is for your Daddy’s grandfather, your granny’s father.  Jacob is for your Mummy’s grandfather, the father of your Pops with the swimming pool.  His middle name was Jacob.  His first name was Harrison, but when Mummy mentioned naming you that to a few people thought it was for Harry Potter!  So she and Daddy decided his middle name was better.  It is also to honour your Great Aunt Janice, who died a few months ago.  So, in a small way, you are named for a girl!!  But not really. 🙂

Your Daddy says you have Mummy’s features, but she just doesn’t see it.

Grandma and Pops with the watering can will be here on Wednesday for a nice long visit.  Hopefully you will be home by then.  Or not too long after that.

You being a boy was a bit of a shock to everyone except Mummy, who just had a feeling you were a boy!  Everyone else was positive you were a girl, but Mummy was right!!

The lovely midwife on morning shift has just rung down to see how you are.

You are off the CPAP!!!  So your breathing on your own with a bit of ambient oxygen in the incubator.

Daddy will be here in about an hour and we will go see you.

Well, you are off the CPAP, my child, because you fought it, not because you don’t need it.  It was stressing you out so badly the doctors decided you were better off without it.

However, like a good boy, while Daddy and I were with you, you opened your eyes!  They are very very dark blue.  Mummy doesn’t know if they’ll stay that way, but she hopes so!

Oh, and your hair is definitely black.  So Mummy’s hair and Daddy’s eyebrows and eyelashes!

The Docs say that there are 3 things you need to do to come home: –

  1. Slow down your breathing.
  2. Have more regular blood sugar levels.
  3. Suck on bottle or breast.

Once you have done those 3 things? Home you come!  So get to it! 🙂

Daddy just left.  He and Mummy were with you for about an hour.   Mummy walked down under her own power, so now she can come down any time she wants.

They have stopped your feeding because they were afraid you’d choke, so now you have an IV line in your belly button.  SCBU staff say it doesn’t hurt.

A doctor said your breathing will probably straighten out in 3 – 5 days.  So maybe we’ll know more by Sunday.

Grandma with the pool said to Mummy today, ‘You’re wrong. He doesn’t look like Winston Churchill.  He’s beautiful.’  And you are.

13th June 2009

It would appear that mummy is back to her pre-pregnancy insomnia.  Wide awake at 4am.  She was really hoping to have stopped that!

Mummy’s been thinking about all the things she has already missed.  A midwife named Gillian did your first nappy change.  One named Noeleen tried to do your first feed.  Someone unknown did your first wash.  It makes her sad.

So, she’ll just have to make rituals out of those things once you’re home!  First home bath, first home feed, first home nappy change.

Mummy just got back from seeing you.  Your blood sugar is fine! Your O2 is up a bit because you had a hard night.  And a small fever, but they are not really worried.  They think it is just because your little body is working so hard to get enough O2.

And I take back the even tempered comment.  You were being a big ole cry baby this morning!

We had a bad afternoon when Mummy was down to see you again after lunch and they had turned your O2 up again.  You are very stressed and crying, probably because you are very hungry.  IV with glucose gives you nutrition, it doesn’t fill your empty tummy.  Maybe tomorrow they’ll be able to feed you a bit.

14 June 2009

Went and saw you about 5am.  You had a pretty good night, with about 2ml of formula.  The consultant decided you were to hungry to relax, so a bit of food was allowed.

You were sound asleep from about 3am.  So I watched you sleep for awhile.

Your O2 is 38% and your breathing is getting a bit better.

Mummy feels much better today.  But still hasn’t been able to express any milk.  She is hoping to soon.

Mummy saw you just after her dinner.  Your O2 was at 34% which is the lowest its been!!

Mummy is going home tomorrow.  She wishes you were coming with her.  Maybe on Wednesday.

Mummy is still not getting any milk for you.  She feels a bit like a bad Mummy.  She can’t even touch you right now because it stresses you out.  She knows you are going to be fine, eventually.  She just wishes it was now.

15 June 2009

Mummy is *so* happy.  She made her early morning visit and Pat, the nurse on duty, said “Would you like a treat?”  Mummy was thinking she meant to let Mummy change your nappy.  Nope.

Mummy held you!!!  For about 20 minutes!!!  It was the best ever.

Daddy will be purple with envy.  He’ll get his turn.  Maybe even later today.

You had a good night.  You are on 34% O2 and 2mls of milk.   Your temp is down, your Blood Sugar is fine.  And your breathing is getting better.  We have some progress!!

If your O2 need keeps going down at the same rate, you might be home by the end of the week.  Its gone down 6% since yesterday and needs to go down another 13% to be at normal air.  So really, not that far to go.

In other good news, Mummy’s milk seems to be coming in. So we can get you that soon.

It was such a nice snuggle but, man, are you heavy!!  Mummy, of course, knew that you weighed over 8lbs, but holding 8lbs! Wow! My good hefty boy!

That was as far as I wrote while in hospital with you, my son.  As of this morning you are off your O2 and breathing fine.  Your blood sugar is fine.  Just need to get your temp down and your suck and swallow function up and running!  You’ll be home soon, my son!

The Final Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 38 Weeks

Dear Adam/Zoe (name subject to change without notice)

Well, my love, this is it.  Mummy’s last letter to you while you are in her tummy.  You should be in her arms in just about 48 hours.

She and Daddy are so ready.  Not just with your room and your clothes and such, but mentally ready.  We keep talking about how much fun it will be to have you with us.  We are aware that it won’t be all sunshine and roses, more like poopy nappies and colic for awhile, but we are ready for even that.

This morning as Daddy was getting ready to leave for work, we were talking about how this will be the first time since I permanently moved to Belfast that we haven’t slept under the same roof for more than one night.  We have been sleeping in separate bedrooms for awhile, since Mummy sleeps so badly, but at least it is possible to ‘visit’ each other!  Starting tomorrow night I’ll be in hospital and Daddy will be home until at least Sunday.

The plan is that your Granny and Granda will come down from Derry on Saturday and then bring you and I home from hospital on Sunday.  Then your Grandma and Pops with the Watering can (so named by your big cousin in California) will be here the following Tuesday to help out Mummy and Daddy for about 2.5 weeks.  Daddy is off work starting tomorrow for at least two weeks.  So we’ll have lots of help with you!

Mummy and Daddy are going out to dinner tonight, once last hurrah! before we two become we three.  Just around the corner to our favourite little bistro for a nice meal and some quiet time.  Probably our last quiet time for a very long time.

So here it is.  The final countdown:

2 days.



Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 37 Weeks

Dear Baby

This might very well be the last letter with no name attached.

Mummy was at the OB today and has been scheduled to have you delivered on Thursday, 11th June 2009.  So there’s your birthday!

Just over a week and we’ll know if you’re Adam or Zoe!

It is beastly hot here, hottest its been in NI in eons during June.  Just lovely for your mummy, whose feet and hands are swelling from the heat.  She is just so very uncomfortable.

She has discovered, however, that if she pats a part of you, the part that she is 99.99% sure is your tushi, you move. 🙂 You’re a total wiggle worm!

We are ready for you to arrive, your daddy and I.  So glad you’re ready to come!



Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 36 Weeks

Dear Baby

One Month Left. 🙂

Have been very busy getting your room ready.  Your clothes are almost all washed and put away.  The bumper is on your cot.  The sheets will be on tomorrow or Thursday for sure.

You are being a major wiggle worm, constantly stretching and moving in my tummy.  Its so nice to feel.  It lets Mummy know that you are okay in there.

Mummy has been sleeping very well, which is a  nice change from normal!  I think it helps that I have no real stress at the moment.  The lack of going to work is ace!

Daddy totally charmed Mummy this week when he was helping out taking your laundry out of the dryer.  Cries of ‘Oooh little socksies!’ was just wonderful!

Mummy didn’t see the doctor today, so she’s not exactly sure how big you are now.  She knows you were 6lbs last week, she imagines you’re even bigger this week.

Next Tuesday she’ll see the OB again, and quite possibly have your eviction date.  How exciting!



Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 35 Weeks

Dear Baby

Well, here we are. On Maternity Leave. And not a moment too soon!

Mummy is exhausted.  Even with a good nights sleep, she is tired by lunch time.  Today she has an antenatal appointment so she won’t get her nap this afternoon.  Too bad!

You are still being a very active baby.  Kicking me regularly at all hours of the day and night.  It is so lovely!

Every day Mummy does a little bit to get your room in order.  Today she ordered your Amby Cradle, so you’ll have some place to sleep in her and Daddy’s room.  Hopefully it will be here next week!

Tomorrow Mummy is pampering herself at a Day Spa.  Lots of beauty treatments scheduled.  She’s really looking forward to it.

Mummy was at the clinic today.  You are still measuring large for your dates.  OB said to Mummy ‘come back in 2 weeks.  We’ll probably schedule you for a C Section 10 days after that!!’

*GULP*  Suddenly your birth is imminent.  I mean, of course I knew it was coming.  I have been keeping track.  But those words just made it all seem so real.

And I.Can’t.Wait.



Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 34 Weeks

Dear Baby

Truly in the home stretch now.  6 weeks to go.

Mummy is exhausted.  She is struggling through her last few days of work and cannot wait to be able to rest whenever she likes.

As Mummy has said before, she is really not enjoying be pregnant.  She loves feeling you move.  She loves when you kick so hard Daddy can feel you move as well.  She hates her achy bones and exhausted state of mind.  She feels totally incoherent most of the time.  And ancient.  And on the edge of tears.  Some say this is perfect practice for once you’re born.  I say that once you’re born, Daddy can stay up all night with you on occasion!!!

All this is leading to the fact that you just might be an only child.  On the one hand, Mummy has no problem with that.  There is nothing wrong with only children.

On the other hand, I’d hate for you to miss out on how great it is to have a sibling.  Your Uncle J and Mummy are very close, for example.  As are your cousins S and R.  Besides, who else can you gang up on your parents with?!? 🙂

Of course there is no decision here.  This is just Mummy complaining a bit and thinking a bit.  Everyone says I will forget how horrible I feel after you come.  Maybe they’re right?

This week you are growing like crazy.  You’re pretty much fully developed, just putting on fat and practicing breathing.  If, god forbid, you were born right now? You’d probably have very little if any problems.

Daddy and I have been attending Antenatal classes, learning about how you get out of me!  Daddy didn’t know a lot of this stuff and is wondering if he can bring his DS if this is going to take 30 hours! No, he may not!

What a long way we’ve come, my little love.  See you soon.



Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 33 Weeks

Dear Baby

Mummy’s a day late this week because she was very very busy yesterday.

You see mummy starts her maternity leave in about 7 working days, so she’s been training her replacement.  She’s trying to dump 4.5 years of knowledge into someone’s head in about 2 weeks.  Just not possible, but she’s doing her best!

Also last night mummy and daddy went to their first antenatal class.  It was very informative about normal labour and birth.  Hopefully we’ll have one of those!

Mummy also saw her OB yesterday.  You are a bit big, coming in at the top of the charts and weighing 5lbs already, but no one is concerned yet.  The doctors will keep good track of you for the next 7 weeks and make sure you don’t get too big.  And you seem to have moved head down already, which is very helpful of you! Of course, you could move back and forth a few times in the next month and a half!

Mummy’s job is to keep track of your movements and let them know if you start moving less.  So far? Not a problem!!

7 more weeks my little love.  And then you’ll be in my arms.



Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 32 Weeks

Dear Baby

I’m afraid Mummy is still not enjoying the third trimester.  She exhausted, achy, bloated, nauseaus and cries at everything.

But she loves feeling you move about and, your newest trick, hiccuping!

She has less than 3 weeks until she’s on leave and then she can start giving into this nesting urge she’s having!

Daddy and I put the cot up this weekend, so you have some where to sleep.

Mummy’s friend gave her your car seat today, so you can be safe in the car.

Now she just needs to set up your changing table…oh and fold the mountain of laundry that is currently residing in your room!

This week your lungs are getting stronger and you might be upside down already, but I don’t think so!  You are about 28 cms long.  And making mummy’s tummy huge!!

8 weeks to go.  Still can.not.wait.



Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 31 Weeks

Dear Baby

Well, Mummy is deep into the 3rd trimester now and is very very tired, very very achy and still feeling very sad. Thinking about you, and feeling you move, is making her feel better all the time, though.

I got to see you today at my Antenatal appointment.  Very blurry, but I could see you have a nose!  Which is good, noses are very important!

Mummy has also decided to really try to go off her meds now.  She has been weaning herself off of them and not sleeping too badly when she doesn’t take one.  Considering that I wake up several times a night anyway, when you roll over onto my bladder, the meds just don’t make enough of a difference to keep up the risk to you.  So I am going off of them.

According to the book, your brain is getting more and more active.  Don’t know what you have to think about, but you’re thinking about it!  You are about 27.5 cms, and according to the scan today, you weigh about 4 lbs.  I really want to know how they can tell that by a 2d scan!!

Mummy only has about 3.5 weeks of work left and then she’s off for a whole year.  She is very much looking forward to her year with you.  Just me and my baby! (that’s you. 🙂 )

Only 9 weeks to go.

