If You’re Poking Around

in some past entries lately, you’ll see a bunch of comments from Mitchie.  That’s my oldest brother.  He thinks he’s funny.  We try not to disillusion him otherwise.  Especially since he’s really tall and an x-probation officer.  He used to like to demonstrate to my other siblings how best to cuff a suspect by using me, the youngest, as the suspect.

This included slamming me to the ground in the basement of our house (indoor/outdoor carpet over concrete OWE!!) and/or slamming me face first into the post down there that held up the ceiling.  When I complained to my mom?  “Did he draw blood? Then I’m not getting involved.”  Which was always her response when us kids fought.

There are, you see 6 of us.  We are a blended family, steps, not blood, but we treat each other like blood.  This means we fight.  Sometimes a lot.

So with my steps, I am the youngest of 7, between my dad’s remarriage and my mom’s.  And all of us are married.  So that’s 14.  And a good many of us have kids.  That’s 12.  So my immediate family, including my steps, parents, sibs, nieces/nephews? is 32 people.

My nieces/nephew range in age from Mitch’s oldest, who will be 20 in October and is at University to my sister Tracy’s twins, who are going to be 4 in June.  Oh, and I have a great nephew.  I think he’s just over 1.

So there are a lot of us.  And we live all over the US (except me, I live in the UK!).  Maybe we’ll all get together again someday.  Then again, maybe not…

Something Happened at Work Today

and I am trying to decide if I should blog about it.  Simon says I shouldn’t.  I’ll see how I feel about it in a few days.  I will say this; I lost some respect for my SMT today.

Also, I deleted an old post from here.  I have been getting slammed with spam on this particular post, no idea why, so I deleted it hoping the spam would stop.  So far so good.

Slept some better last night, with a sleeping pill.  We’ll see if it continues.

Ug, Insomnia

I’ve been up since 4.  Could not get back to sleep.

Seeing my doctor tomorrow, maybe we need to switch my meds *again*.

So much work to do, have to go in today and do it.  At least we finished unpacking yesterday.  Thank god for small favours.

So I just have to sit on my ass and write minutes today.  For the Board, for the Management Meeting, for the Staff.  And we’re gearing up for yearly appraisals.  Yip and may I add eee.

Maybe tonight I’ll have Simon hit me over the head with a hammer so I can sleep more than 5 hours.

Changing Bad Habits

QuitMeter Counter courtesy of www.quitmeter.com.

76 cigarettes not smoke. Wow.  Good for me.

I don’t feel too bad.  Wouldn’t say no if someone gave me a free cigarette and promised it wasn’t bad for my health.  But that’s not going to happen.

At the moment, I still miss smoking.  I miss the excuse to leave my desk several times a day.  I miss that first hit of nicotine in the morning.  I miss that last hit at night.  I just miss it.

I know, intellectually, that at this point, the need for nicotine is pyschological.  After 3 days, the studies show, the physical addiction is gone.  So now its all in my head.

Juicy Fruit is my best friend.  I am allergic to most artificial sweetners, or at least I react badly to them, so I have to chew gum with sugar.  Which is really hard to find these days!  And Juicy Fruit and coffee? Bad taste combo!

So I’ll soldier on.  Not smoking.  Simon says I haven’t been all that cranky.  Work doesn’t agree!

Tonight We Will Have Our First House Guests

Simon’s parents have something or other to do in Belfast tomorrow, so they are staying with us tonight.  Its the first time they’ve been down since we  moved.  Even though we’ve invited them many times.

I am making goulash and noodles and crusty bread for dinner.  Maybe a salad as well.  Maybe not!

So we’ll give the place a brush up today, get the spare room all nice and pretty and await their arrival.

Our first house guests!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Made Them Think Of It?

What made the first person who smoked a pipe think to a. create a pipe, b. dry some tobacco or herbs and c. put those dried herbs or tobacco into the pipe and light it on fire?

How did the first person who painted on a cave wall think to a. crush some berries or use the charred end of a stick to b. use the side of the cave as a canvas.

Was the first cooked meat an accident, or did someone stand in front of the fire, stare between the meat and the fire and decide to see what happened?

I wonder if we’ll ever be able to trace (time travel? maybe?) from the first moment that man walked erect to now, to me sitting in my nice comfortable flat, using the latest technology to type this to a bunch of strangers in the world, each advance.  Each EUREKA! moment.

I, of course, realize that that will probably never happen.  But what I hope our lack of understanding of man’s early years leads to is great record keeping.  So that in 10000000 years, the people of that time will know how they got from me sitting in my nice comfortable flat, using the latest technology to type this to a bunch of strangers in the world, to them, sitting where ever they sit, doing whatever they will be doing.  They should be able to track each EUREKA! moment, even if we can’t.

Uh oh

So we have about 10 crates left to unpack. Please send good thoughts that in one of those crates are: –

  1. The plastic folder/envelope thingy that I keep the SMT’s receipts for expense reports in.
  2. DF&A’s notes from the Board Meeting for the Minutes.
  3. The catalogue for one of my office supply companies.

Number 1 could get me fired. Not really, but it will certainly get me yelled at!!

ETA: WHEW! Found them all!

So, On The Advice of My GP

I have been varying the amount of Trazadone I take, to see how I sleep.

50 mg. Wake up in the middle of the night at least once, don’t get back to sleep for an hour or more.

100mg. Sleep straight through, but only about 7 hours (which is not enough sleep for me *at all*).

150mg. Sleep straight through, but only about 7 hours (which is not enough sleep for me *at all*).

So, since 100 and 150 is the same result, I’ll stay with 100 mg.

In other news, the following questions have been raised as we pack and unpack the office:

  1. Why do we have 100000000000 pieces of crockery? Very little of which match.
  2. Why do we have 100000000000 hanging file folders?
  3. Why do we have 100000000000 rubber bands, when we never use them?
  4. Note for Robyn: don’t purchase any more staples until you’re absolutely positively sure you are out.
  5. Therefore I know why we have 1000000000 staples.

The above list is full of a bit of hyperbole.  But not much.