Okay, I Admit It

I’m ill.  Headachy, stomachy, nausea, exhausted.

Not at work.  At home.  Missing all day of Board Meetings.  My boss is, I’m sure, pissed as hell.

Have no idea what’s wrong with me. Have been feeling like crap for weeks.  Its finally all come crashing down on me.

Can’t get to see my doctor until Tuesday.  We’ll see what she says then.

Now That I’ve Quit Smoking

I can laugh hysterically at the new signs up in the lifts that tells people that flicking ash off the balconies of the flat is ‘anti social’.

Also, it mentions that if  you throw a butt over the side and it goes into an open window you are criminally liable.  My question is how are they going to know who threw the butt. Simon’s answer was DNA.  Yeah, good luck getting everyone in the building’s DNA.

In other news I feel like crap.  Still not sleeping.  And Thursday is Board Meeting day.  It may kill me.

So The DIY Project That I Mentioned Yesterday

was hanging blackout blinds in our bedroom.

You see, another thing we *love* about this flat is all of the light. We get the morning light, since we face east, and then we get the evening sun because the building across the street is all glass and the sun reflects off of it.

The bad thing about this is that the sun rises in the UK at this time of year at around 0500 and sets around 2145. So it really starts to get light in the morning at 0430 and its bright daylight in our bedroom by around 0515.

So for the past couple of weeks I’ve been waking up at 0430. Every.Fecking.Day. I’ve also not been sleeping solid anyway, so getting up at 0430 has been killing me. So I talked to my doctor, she gave me sleeping pills, not working. So yesterday Simon and I hung blackout blinds.

I did wake up at 0430, but managed to get back to sleep until about 0530. So that’s a bit of an improvement.

Simon has been getting up early as well. So we’ll see what time he gets up today and if the blinds help.

And once again I’d like to say…Flat.Walls.Of.Iron!!!!!!!

Piece of Advice for All of You DIYers Out There…

If you are having trouble making a hole in a wall with your cordless drill, switch out the battery.

Thank you.

In other news, great craic last night. Wound up being only 6 of us, instead of the 15 I originally booked the table for. We had a great time.

Was me, our Building Manager, our regular Accounts Manager (the one who is on maternity leave), the CEO, the Operations Manager, and my old boss. After dinner CEO and Operations Manager left and me and BM and AM and old boss closed the restaurant/club we started at.

We then went to an after hours club. I left after about 10 minutes. Too loud. Too hot. And looked exactly like the warehouse club at the beginning of the first Blade movie. Ya know, where all these people are dancing to techno and then suddenly the sprinklers start spraying blood and the vampires attack and then Blade attacks? Yeah, just like that.

It was *so* good to see my old boss. I miss him tremendously, which myself and AM kept telling him over and over. Unfortunately he is really unhappy at his new job, so it wasn’t a good move at all. Totally sucks when that happens.

So danced, and drank a bit. Talked, laughed, had a fabulous time. And got home at 0145. And then got up at 0730 so I could go get my hair cut at 0900. So yeah, lunch and then back to bed!!!

2+weeks since I quit smoking

Cravings are finally going away.  Have saved about £40.  Don’t feel any better, but that will happen eventually.

Still not sleeping well, so tired a lot.  Tons to do at work this week, as our final Board meeting before the summer is next week.  Then the week after I’ll write the minutes and then the week after that I am taking a weeks holiday, just to hang out and chill and relax.  I am really looking forward to it.

The weather has been good. I went to City Centre today (its a holiday here, just like in the States) and wandered around and enjoyed the weather.  Bought some earrings and other ‘junk’ jewelry at Claires.  I got like 5 necklaces and 6 pairs of earrings for about £10.  I tend to loose earrings, so I don’t like to spend too much money on them!

Nothing much going on really.  This Friday is a work Do.  Should be a lot of fun.