Before I Kick Off The New Form Tee’s Blog

Let’s get a few things straight. Then you can see if you still want to be reading or if you want to run for the hills. Or maybe if you want to recommend it to your friends.

I am an American. That’s never been a secret.

I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I am registered as Independent.


Because there are some things the D’s do that I like and some that I hate. There are some things the R’s do that I like and some that I despise.

I am, in reality, an anarchist at heart. I don’t actually think any government is necessary but am happy to accept whatever rules the rest of you think are necessary to keep yourselves happy. If I find I want to do something that’s against your rules? I might do it anyway and take the punishment, if any, except that I follow the 11th Commandment: Thou Shall Not Get Caught.

Anyone who has read Robert A Heinlein will know where I learned most of my beliefs. Go read Moon Is A Harsh Mistress if you want a fairly good explanation of Rational Anarchism.

Be that as it may, I do also recognize that there are over 7 billion people on this planet and therefore some rules for happy living are necessary.

However, I do not believe that any government anywhere has the right, in no particular order, to: –

  1. Tell me how to use my uterus
  2. Tell me how to raise my son, other than, of course, to treat him well which, of course, I do
  3. Tell me who to love
  4. Tell me who I can marry
  5. Tell me what I can say
  6. Tell what I can write
  7. Tell me what I can view on the internet or read in a book

Or, in a nutshell, I am a pro-choice, anti-censorship, and pro-free speech feminist.

But I am not a radical feminist. I believe in the original basis for feminism, which was choices. You want to work and have children? Go for it. You want to be subservient to a man (or a woman)? Go for it. Find what works for you and your family and be happy in it. And fuck what anyone else thinks about it.

I am also a believer in God. Oh, maybe not your god. Definitely not a Christian or a Jewish or a Muslim or any other recognized religion’s god. But I believe there is a higher power out there. Otherwise what are we doing here, apparently alone in the universe, on this big rock, if not some being’s play thing?

On the other hand, I will also be very surprised if we find definite, indisputable proof that we are alone in this universe. This whole universe, just for us? Pure arrogance to think so. I think they are watching us (and, no, I don’t need a tin foil hat, keep reading) but realize we aren’t ready for them yet. I don’t think they kidnap people for anal probes or other bullshit. But I think they are keeping an eye. We are, after all, in the scheme of the age of the universe, very small children.

And I think they’ll make themselves known when they think we are ready. I think we’re ready now and could use the help, but, as much as I hate to admit this, I’m not actually in charge of the universe so will just have to wait and see like everyone else.

I am, also, an artist. I don’t draw or paint any more, due to bad hands, but I still create. I just created art, as a matter of fact, and submitted it to a contest, using my mouse and my keyboard and Adobe CS5. I’ll post a link when it goes up. I’m fairly proud of what I’ve done.

I think that’s pretty much it. I’m happy to answer any questions in the comments or at Twitter or on my Facebook or in email.

Or you know, if you don’t like what you’re reading? Bye!


So you may have noticed that the last few posts have had very little to do with me and my family and my health and more about the wider world.

Honestly? I was boring myself. How many times can you write about how ill you are? I’m also becoming very aware that Adam is becoming his own person and has an inherent right to privacy, even though I honestly believe most privacy is gone.

So I’m changing the focus of the blog.

I’m going to start leaning more towards the political and social rather than the personal.

Of course there will still be personal posts.

But posts will be further apart (as they have been) and be of a more political slant.

I hope you’ll stick around anyway and see what I have to say.

It could be interesting.


Nearly every day as I am walking back from leaving Adam at his school, I pass a young lady heading to the college that’s just past it.

The first time I passed her, I admired her head-scarf, in my mind, which was just beautiful. I realized I was staring as she came towards me as she glared, I’m sure expecting censure, obviously not being Christian and proud of it in this oh so Christian country. We both had headsets in so I didn’t speak, but I smiled at her and probably blushed a bit for being caught staring. She smiled back and visibly relaxed.

Every time I see her now we smile at each other. And mouth ‘good morning’, since we both are still listening to music.

I hope some day to see her around our little part of Belfast when she isn’t in a hurry to get to school and I’m not already thinking of what I have to do for the rest of the day. Because I want to say “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable that first time. I really was just admiring your gorgeous head-scarf. All of your head-scarves are gorgeous, actually.”

So before you get your back up by someone staring at you, try smiling. And if something attracts your attention on someone, smile.

Make a connection.

Be Better Than That

So there’s been a lot of talk, all over the place, about what Mike Jeffries, the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch said about not liking or selling to fat and unattractive people.

Which makes him an ass and probably sexist and definitely not someone I would want to have a coffee with.

However, that does not give everyone else the right to make fun of the way he looks.

Yes, he is not an average looking person, it’s true. He’s either had an accident or some sort of condition that has damaged his face. Or perhaps not and he’s was just born that way. I have no idea and I don’t really care.

But calling him a freak or Frankenstein’s Monster is stooping to his level.

Be better than that.

Gosh, It’s Been Awhile Again

Not much to say and have been doing other things.

Like what?

Like learning how to program in PHP and CSS on WordPress. ::head explodes::

Like working on my entry for One Word Brief. I would like it officially noted that I did not vote for the word ‘be’. ::head exploded and then came up with something::

Like working on creating a flower and vegetable garden with my son. ::digs dirt out from under fingernails::

Like working on Mumsnet Belfast, for which I am the Local Editor. ::begs for listings::

Like working on my new fitness routine, based on Eat Less, Move More, Gain Control. ::Come like me and join in::

I have, however, been Tweeting, on Tee Tweets, on MNBelfast, on DTATTweets and with the #ELMMGC tag.

What have you been doing?

Prayers For Boston

Yesterday I was logging in to Skype with my sister in law in California when Twitter started reporting the explosions at the Boston Marathon.

She and I kept one eye on the news sites and one eye on each other as Twitter’s feeds became impossible to follow due to the refresh speed and the legitimate news sites began reporting the story.

My family origins are Bostonian. My parents grew up there, all of my biological cousins did as well. I have been there many many times. I still have a few members of my family and some friends not far from where the explosions occurred. All had reported, via Facebook, within the hour and all were, thank god, fine.

My sister in law pointed out that we had done the exact same thing not quite 12 years ago, only we were in the same timezone, in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was off work because my grandmother had died the day before and I heard on the radio about the Twin Towers, turned on the TV, rang her and we sat on the phone for about an hour watching with horror as the Towers fell.

Last night we had about the same amount of time because it was lunchtime in Berkeley and nearly my bed time here in Belfast. And we chatted and exchanged websites to check and watch online video.

And sent up prayers for Boston.

I Seem To Have Ranted And Disappeared

I’ve been busy.

Cleaning my house.

Dealing with a freaking blizzard in freaking Belfast!

And a touch of D&V in A Small Boy™.

My mom gets here tomorrow. She’s going to freeze to death. She’s from Florida, you know. Of course, she’s coming off a river cruise on the Danube. She is currently in Bucharest. Which is going up to 20 this week. Just in time for her to come here. We’re suppose to hit 5. Those are Celsius, BTW.

So have a happy Easter or Passover or whatever you want this time of year.