Baby Brain, I Think Its Catching…

So, every Monday night Simon and I have groceries delivered for the week.  This means that on Sunday we figure out what we want to eat Tuesday through Friday and order ingredients accordingly.

This morning I began pulling the items out to make tonight’s Chicken Cacciatore, so I could prep veggies while Adam was being happy in his bouncy seat.  Then I would just have to bung them and some chicken into the slow cooker at lunch time and 6 hours later, dinner would be on the table.

So I am rummaging through my veg drawer and I realize Tesco had sent me 4 onions.  ‘Why four onions?’ I said out loud.

Simon said ‘What are we having this week?’

‘Chicken Cacciatore, Chicken Casserole, Goulash, Veggie Lasagne and…wait, what’s the fourth thing?’ I replied.  ‘Chicken Cacciatore, Chicken Casserole, Goulash, Veggie Lasagne and…’ I repeated.

‘Check the ingredients we have.’ Simon suggested, ‘and that will tell you the fourth thing.’

Can you see what we both did there?  Both of us?

That’s right, for the non-baby brained out there…I was naming four things. And Simon was agreeing right along with me that I was missing one.

Once it occurred to me, just a few minutes later, how stupid we were, I then still couldn’t figure out why I had four onions.

It just occurred to me 10 minutes ago.  Because all four things have an onion in them.

Simon says his excuse was that he was on night duty last night and what was mine?

Baby Brain.

And I think its catching…

Posted in Adam, Being a Mummy, Simon.

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